NY Mayor M. Bloomberg sends greetings to Mayor of Freeborn, MN Mr. M. Gruben

(L-R) R. Wilhelm, Mayor Mr. Mark Gruben and Mr. Eli Slavin with the camp.

Mayor M. Bloomberg sent a letter of greetings with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Slavin, who visited their son at the Yeshivas Kayitz of MN, under the auspices of Rabbi N. Wilhelm, to the Mayor of Freeborn, MN Mr. Mark Gruben.

In his letter Mr. Bloomberg thanks Mr. Gruben and the residents of Freeborn, for their gracious hospitality towards the boys in YK of MN.

The group consists of 125 boys, most who come from Crown Heights.

At the ceremony held in the gym of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Wilhelm introduced Mr. Eli Slavin, who delivered the letter to Mayor Gruben.

Mr. Gruben expressed his great appreciation for the boys, telling them that he and the people of Freeborn feel privileged to host this wonderful group.


  • MN talmud

    Rabbi N. Wilhelm was my rosh yeshivah during my 11th grade year in Minnesota, he was by far the best and "coolest" guy i ever had as a rosh yeshivah! he is down to earth, (most of the time), he "talks the talk" and "walks the walk" so to speak. i really enjoyed my year with him, along with Rabbi M. Friedman. they were really great together, and my year in Minnesota was one that i will never forget!

  • sholom


    and what’s with Rabbi Zeilingold & SCOTT, Mr Zilberberg. etc Mendel & RABBI MOSHE FELLER.


  • Mayor Mark Gruben

    The people of Freeborn continue to be proud to host the Yeshiva and are looking forward to another successful season. Greetings to all Yeshiva alumni!