Oholei Torah Inaugurates its Young Leadership Committee

As Oholei Torah pledged during their Shnas HaChamishim campaign, many new and special programs are being currently implemented. One of the major initiatives, the forming of an official “Young Leadership Committee” was inaugurated this past Wednesday evening.

Guests were greeted by the Menahel of Oholei Torah, Rabbi Joseph Rosenfeld and Rabbi Nosson Blumes, Program Director. Rabbi Yankel Pinson, long standing member of the Executive Board, gave the young couples an in-depth look into the direction and current goals of the mossad, emphasizing the important role Yungeleit have in the future of the yeshiva. Many of the participants had a chance to meet with Rabbi Shmuel Brook of the Advisory Board, which consists of a group of capable and committed community members, overseeing many integral aspects of the yeshiva.

OT Alumnus Yerachmeal Jacobson was the evening’s guest speaker. He reminisced about his warm memories in Oholei Torah, and of the importance of giving back to the yeshiva which did so much for us.

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The Weekly Sedra – Tetzaveh

This Shabbat the Torah portion deals with the garments worn by the Kohanim (priests) in the Holy Temple and this coming week will be Purim, the holiday celebrating the salvation of the Jews from their enemies some 2,400 years ago.

At first glance it’s not hard to see the deeper meaning and connection between them; the Torah portion deals with holy garments and on Purim it is customary to wear funny ones (Aruch Chiam 696:8).

But this itself is not understood. Why did the priests dress so uniquely in the Temple and why the costumes on Purim?

To understand, here is a Purim story.

New Rabbi for Russian Far East Center


KHABAROVSK, Russia – The Jewish community of Khabarovsk, a member of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, is soon to add a new rabbi to its staff. The young rabbi, Israel Noach Kaminetsky, is currently at home in New York preparing to move to this Far East city. He and his family will soon be arriving to this major Russian center, now that he has been appointed as a Chabad Lubavitch emissary.

In Khabarovsk, Rabbi Kaminetsky will aid the region’s Chief Rabbi Yakov Snetkov and provide essential assistance to the local community in organizing and carrying out the work of the Synagogue and Jewish Community Center that were built not long ago. He will be assisted by his wife.

T&LC Driver Wrecks Havoc On Lefferts & New York

Around 10:45am at the intersection of Lefferts Ave. & New York Ave. a sound of a loud impact echoed throughout the intersection followed by screeches and screams for help. The scene of the accident looked quite bizarre, a 15 passenger van sitting on the sidewalk nearly in a construction site and 100 feet down the street a crumpled up car sat alone. The driver of the van fled the scene on foot, leaving the other car with its passengers injured.

This incident starts a week ago where Police Officers from a special division of the Police Department called the Safety and Traffic Enforcement Division (STED)
Which drive around in unmarked police cars and pick out the most dangerous drivers. Last week the driver of this van was picked out by officers of this division for driving recklessly and endangering other drivers and had his license suspended.

Yesterday an officer from the STED spotted this van which he remembered suspending its driver of his license, so they began to follow him to see if it was really this same driver, when the van noticed it was being followed he immediately began trying to evade police by trying to speed off, that attempted ended soon after. The van attempted to take a red light and collided head on with a smaller car and from the force of the impact the small car was sent back in the direction it came from, spinning wildly across the entire street.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Telephone Torah

Jewish Review

New program helps partners study together VIA phone

R. Gershon Avtzon helped found JNet.org, a telephone Torah study program that matches individuals with study partners on virtually any Jewish topic.

Chabad Lubavitch has launched a new learning program to help ensure that “every Jew has access to his or her inheritance.”

Rabbi Gershon Avtzon and his wife Frumie came to Portland last month to introduce JNet.org to the West Coast. Avtzon helped create the one-on-one telephone Torah study program that attracted more than 200 participants in the first two months of the pilot program.

The free program matches individuals with someone of similar age and background who has an expertise in Torah learning. The JNet expert will call the student at a mutually agreed upon time each week and spend a half-hour in chavruta (partner) study on any Jewish topic.

Photo Gallery of the Week – Hershel Klein’s Wedding

Photos By COL.org.il

The Klein-Sharabi wedding was held tonight in the ‘Oz Vehadar’ hall in Bnei Braq. The Chosson is the Rov and Tomim, Hershel, son of Rabbi Efraim Klein, HY”D, who was killed last week. The wedding was attended by hundreds of Chassidim and Temimim who danced and made merry for long hours. Rabbi Avrohom Lieder, director of Ahavas Chessed in Crown Heights, who partially funded the wedding, arrived especially to Israel in order to participate in the wedding.

More pictures in the Extended Article!