KHABAROVSK, Russia – The Jewish community of Khabarovsk, a member of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, is soon to add a new rabbi to its staff. The young rabbi, Israel Noach Kaminetsky, is currently at home in New York preparing to move to this Far East city. He and his family will soon be arriving to this major Russian center, now that he has been appointed as a Chabad Lubavitch emissary.

In Khabarovsk, Rabbi Kaminetsky will aid the region’s Chief Rabbi Yakov Snetkov and provide essential assistance to the local community in organizing and carrying out the work of the Synagogue and Jewish Community Center that were built not long ago. He will be assisted by his wife.

New Rabbi for Russian Far East Center

KHABAROVSK, Russia – The Jewish community of Khabarovsk, a member of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, is soon to add a new rabbi to its staff. The young rabbi, Israel Noach Kaminetsky, is currently at home in New York preparing to move to this Far East city. He and his family will soon be arriving to this major Russian center, now that he has been appointed as a Chabad Lubavitch emissary.

In Khabarovsk, Rabbi Kaminetsky will aid the region’s Chief Rabbi Yakov Snetkov and provide essential assistance to the local community in organizing and carrying out the work of the Synagogue and Jewish Community Center that were built not long ago. He will be assisted by his wife.

Rabbi Kaminetsky will be working with Jewish teenagers and youth, as well as broadening the operation of the community’s other existing institutions. Originally from Russia, Rabbi Kaminetsky speaks perfect Russian, which should be a big help in communicating with community members and local officials, when need be.

The expenses associated with Rabbi Kaminetsky’s service in Khabarovsk are being generously covered by the Rohr Family Foundation. Headed by Messrs. George and Sami Rohr of New York and Florida, this foundation sponsors hundreds of Chabad Lubavitch emissaries serving in communities across the Former Soviet Union.