Oholei Torah Inaugurates its Young Leadership Committee

As Oholei Torah pledged during their Shnas HaChamishim campaign, many new and special programs are being currently implemented. One of the major initiatives, the forming of an official “Young Leadership Committee” was inaugurated this past Wednesday evening.

Guests were greeted by the Menahel of Oholei Torah, Rabbi Joseph Rosenfeld and Rabbi Nosson Blumes, Program Director. Rabbi Yankel Pinson, long standing member of the Executive Board, gave the young couples an in-depth look into the direction and current goals of the mossad, emphasizing the important role Yungeleit have in the future of the yeshiva. Many of the participants had a chance to meet with Rabbi Shmuel Brook of the Advisory Board, which consists of a group of capable and committed community members, overseeing many integral aspects of the yeshiva.

OT Alumnus Yerachmeal Jacobson was the evening’s guest speaker. He reminisced about his warm memories in Oholei Torah, and of the importance of giving back to the yeshiva which did so much for us.

A scrumptious Israeli Style smorgasbord was spread out with melodious music by Chaim Dovid of the Old City, Jerusalem, carrying the warm and unique ambiance throughout the evening. A magnificent photo gallery was on display throughout the evening, hosting an array of individual shots of students today and of class pictures years gone by.

As one of the guests commented “it is high time that we, the younger Crown Heights generation, make our community Mosdos and children’s chinuch a priority”.

Each of the guests were handed a questionnaire on various aspects that they can get more involved in; financial, time and business skills and in the chinuch departments.

Plans are underway to organize sub-committees to include members of the Young Leadership, and bestow honors to many of the dedicated members in the upcoming Annual Dinner which will be held Isru Chag Shavuos.

In all, it was a most unique event in Oholei Torah, where dedicated parents, alumni & friends came to unite and support a major community institution, ensuring a secure and bright future for the talmidim.

Oholei Torah wishes to thank the many sponsors who help cover the expenses of the evening, including, Mendel & Toby Brikman, Yisroel & Chana Motchkin, Shmuli & Mimi Kopsftein, Eli & Sarah Popack, Chaim & Faigy Drizin, Yossi & Nechama Dina Katz, Yerachmiel & Rivka Jacobson, Yossi & Devorie Raitport, Foli & Rochelle Spritzer and the many anonymous sponsors.


  • Just a Minute

    I was there at the event, and was impressed with the whole idea of the yeshiva opening up to the younger community and considering us as important. I really hope this whole idea works.

  • Just a Minute

    attendance ws by invite only, but ask blumes, he’ll add u to the list, I’m sure there will be more events

  • ME

    It’s a shame I did not go, I thought it would be just another boring event, ut I heard it was really nice, keep it up

  • Zalman

    Sounds like a great project!!!

    It is disturbing to see one of the intended goals here is to involve this group in Chinuch matters – since this group doesnt realy look like the Chassidishe batch of Yungelite which we would like to see getting involved in the efforts of improving the chinuch provided in OHT.

    I would hope that my children dont adopt the external appearance of most of the generous men seen in the pictures – may they live and be well, and become worthy exsamples for our children also B’chitzoinuyus!

    Hatzlocho Rabo in the good work!

  • lost on president st.

    funny–why did it take 50 years for an event like this to take place–


    TO Zalman
    How do u know that they are getting involved with chinuch, wasn’t it just a money thing, and helping scale the budget?

    Also, why be so geropgtive, maybe by getting these young guys inviolved it will mekarebv them both b’chetzonius, and mainly b’pnimius

  • NU

    I wish blumes all the succsess, together with the hanhola for trying new things Chazak

  • a shliach

    Very nice. Nice to see yungerleit helping out. If they can build big buisnesses they can surely help build our yeshivos. I see many of the same chaveirim who help us shluchim, thier classmates do our work. Kol hakavod to the young leadership and especially to all my good classmates. Yaasher koach!