Mordechai Ben David Releases New Single “Chaverim Kol Yisroel”
Mordechai ben David has released a single in honor of Moga and TT Kahan, whose friendship embodies Chaverim Kol Yisroel.
Mordechai ben David has released a single in honor of Moga and TT Kahan, whose friendship embodies Chaverim Kol Yisroel.
Moscow, the capital of Russia, experienced three glorious days in the presence of Rabbi Kalman Meir Ber Shlita, Chief Rabbi of Israel and President of the Council of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, who arrived at the invitation of his colleague, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar.
The IDF concluded the first training cycle of the Hashmonaim (Hasmonean) Brigade on Thursday at the Tomb of the Maccabees.
They came from cities torn by war, from campuses where walking to class with a kippah takes courage, from towns still rebuilding after hurricanes and wildfires, and from schools where they are the only Jewish student in the entire grade.
This past Shabbos, Parshas Teruma 5785, over 50 fathers from all across the US and Canada arrived at Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati for the annual “Shabbas Avos U’banim”.
The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) announced today that it had eliminated an individual with Islamist views who was planning attacks at two locations: a synagogue in the Moscow region and a subway station in the capital.
The air in Beis Menachem, Manchester, was filled with an electric energy this past Sunday night, as Anash gathered for a Siyum Harambam. Organized by Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester.
At this Siyum, whoever contributes $36 dollars or more will go into a raffle to win a dollar from the Rebbe!
Join thousands of Chasidim for the 44th International Siyum HaRambam taking place at the Bedford Armory in Crown Heights.
The glowing constellations in the night sky fascinate us. Many believe the stars and astrological signs influence life here on earth. Does Judaism believe in the zodiac? What’s the Torah’s perspective on all this?
Shmulik Sofer to Aidy Neymark L’Chaim: Tonight, Sunday, 7:30pm at 1217 President Street
Kehos Weiss (Charlotte, NC) to Cirel Goldberg (Morristown, NJ) L’Chaim: Tonight, Sunday, 8:30pm at The JCM Lower Level
In a last-minute development and with help of several anonymous individuals, the International Siyum HaRambam Committee has managed to secure an additional room at the Bedford Union Armory for a special children’s program at today’s Siyum celebration.
The Bedford Armory, site of the 44th International Siyum HaRambam, is being transformed for the event that will see thousands join as the Rebbe wished.
Live at 12:00 PM: 4,000 Jewish teens from 60 countries gather to close out the largest Jewish teen summit in the world. They came from communities shaken by war, from campuses where being Jewish takes courage, from social feeds flooded with hate, from towns rebuilding after wildfires and hurricanes, and from schools where they’re the only Jewish student in their grade.
7,000 Jewish teens from 60 countries filled Times Square on Saturday night, singing, dancing, and declaring their Jewish pride in the most public square on earth. After a year of challenges, they didn’t gather to explain who they are. They came to live it—out loud and together.
The Lipkind Family is sitting Shiva following the passing of Mr. Reuven Lipkind OBM. Times and location in extended article.