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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 93% OFF Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

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Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmills for Home

340 Lbs Capacity, 3 in 1 Portable Walking Pad

DEAL PRICE: $169.99 (93% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

A 3,800-Year-Old Red Textile Dyed with Biblical Scarlet Discovered in the Judean Desert Caves

In the caves of the Judean desert, the earliest evidence of red-dyed textile using scale insects was revealed. According to a new joint study of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Bar-Ilan University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the color of the rare 3,800-year-old textile was produced from the oak scale insects, which the researchers identify with the biblical “Tola‛at Hashani”.

Video of the Day

An award was give to NYPD Auxiliary Sergeant Delevkovitz, a Chabad Chossid, following his heroic actions in saving a two year old child who drowned in a pool in the Catskills this past Sunday.