Fascinating Letter: How to Mourn the Departed


The Rebbe attends his mother, Rebbetzin Chana’s funeral

In advance of publication Chabad.org released this letter in honor of the Rebbe’s 15th Yahrtzeit. To learn more about the Rebbe Visit TheRebbe.org.

The Family […]

Greeting and Blessing:

In these days of Selichos and Rachamim, which bring the outgoing year to its end, and prepare for the new year, I am addressing these lines to you, hoping they will bring you some comfort.

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Mazal Tov ! It’s A Girl!

We would like to wish Mazal Tov to Levi and Rivky (nee Osdoba) Dubinsky (Shluchim to Mountain Lakes, NJ) on the birth of their daughter.

May the newborn be a source of Nachas to her parents, grandparents and Klal Yisroel.

A Funeral, Continuation, Teachings Live On

by Dovid Zaklikowski

Photo: Marc Asnin

Barely thirteen years old, standing on the newly built balcony outside Lubavitch World Headquarters under the ominously dark skies emitting an avalanche of rain upon those of us below, I watched as tens of thousands of men, women and children gathered on the corner of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue.

Gimmel Tammuz

by Rabbi Yossy Gordon

Sholom Aleichem. Last week a dear friend was visiting New York from Florida with his son. He called me to ask how he could get to the resting place of the Rebbe in Queens. Since I was not in town at the time, I happily arranged with my friend Zalman to escort him to and his son to “Ohel”, which is the name used to describe the Rebbe’s resting place, and then on to the airport for his flight home.

Zalman called me afterwards to share with me some of the conversation he enjoyed with my visiting friend. “He asked me why does Rabbi Yossy always speak about the Rebbe so much? Aren’t there so many other great scholars and leaders in Israel? I explained to him that the Rebbe was much more than a scholar and leader. A Rebbe is a comprehensive soul that includes within it every other soul and can relate to each and every Jew in a most personal manner.”

I was glad Zalman explained things so beautifully. Both of my friends are absolutely right. I do indeed focus on the Rebbe and indeed the reason is because of the Rebbe’s role in my life. Let me explain with a short story and the Rebbe’s explanation:

Fascinating Letter: Trust in G-d and Not a Human


The Rebbe claps with the women as he leaves 770 following a Sicha delivered at the Neshei Chabad Convention.

In advance of publication Chabad.org released this letter in honor of the Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit. To learn more about the Rebbe Visit TheRebbe.org

Video – Gimmel Tammuz Ohel Visitor Guide

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CrownHeights.info presents the official Gimmel Tammuz video guide. This video was produced by JEM in conjunction with Rabbi Abba Refson, Director of Ohel Chabad-Lubavitch. Rabbi Refson requests from anyone planning to visit the Ohel to watch the video and follow its instructions.

Judge Allows Rubashkin to go to Ohel for Gimmel Tammuz

Des Moines Register

Sholom Rubashkin, left, during a farbrengen in Postville. – Stock Photo.

A former Postville meat plant executive named in a 142-count federal indictment was granted special permission this morning to leave Iowa for a two-day religious trip to New York.

Sholom Rubashkin will leave his home this afternoon and drive through the night to observe the 15-year anniversary of the death of Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a noted holy figure.

Photos: 11th Annual JLI Conference

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — This years Jewish Learning Institutes conference took place in the heart of Brooklyn, in the halls of the Polytechnic University in the Metrotech Center.

Departing from the normal multi-day conference this year it was packed in to one solid day of sessions without the burdens transportation to distant hotels or resorts, a move which was met with enthusiasm from the Shluchim in attendance.