UPDATED 10:20PM: Chaos In 770 After Attempt Made To Close The Tunnel Under 770
Chaos is reigning in 770 after the powers that be attempted to seal the tunnel under 770, leading to widespread vandalism inside the building.
Chaos is reigning in 770 after the powers that be attempted to seal the tunnel under 770, leading to widespread vandalism inside the building.
Knesset Member Bezalel Smotrich thanked Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida and Rabbi Yitzchok and Meir Simcha Minkowicz for all their efforts for the Soldiers and Israeli citizens during this war.
Announced on Vov Tishrei, Project Chana aims to empower women globally with a practical approach to learning the halachos of Kashrus, Shabbos, and Taharas Hamishpacha.
Lubavitch Educational Center’s Girls Schools in Miami, Florida, gathered to print a Tanya on their campus in honor of Chof Daled Teves, yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe.
The New York City Emergency Management Department has issued a Travel Advisory for the evening of Tuesday, January 9 into Wednesday morning, January 10, 2024, as a strong storm impacts the region. Several National Weather Service products have been issued for this storm.
Harav Yosef Braun, one of the Rabbonim of the Crown Heights Beis Din, has been the first appointed leader on Crown Heights and Chabad to break their silence and call out the actions surrounding the tunneling under 770.
Pro-Palestinian rallies blocked traffic Monday morning on the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Williamsburg Bridges as well as the Holland Tunnel.
This new discovery is too cool to handle. An ancient pottery jar handle bearing the Hebrew name “Menahem” was uncovered in Ras el-‘Amud, Jerusalem.
With 28 Teves being the birthday of Rebbetzin Chana, זי״ע, the Rebbe’s mother, Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus shared the following memory of a blessing his brother ז״ל and he received from her.
In a recent series of unsettling incidents, a neighborhood in Crown Heights outside of the Jewish community finds itself on edge as residents share their experiences, raising concerns for community safety.