VIDEO: Rabbi Bogomilsky Shares The Story of Hey Teves and the Return of the Sefarim – Part #2
Watch as Crown Heights Rov, Rabbi Bogomilsky, shares the story of Hey Teves from a slightly different point of view.
Watch as Crown Heights Rov, Rabbi Bogomilsky, shares the story of Hey Teves from a slightly different point of view.
New York is one of eight states that had a population decrease in 2023, according to data from the Census Bureau.
Camp Emunah, the first overnight camp in the world of Lubavitch and a transformative camp experience for all its generations of campers, is delighted to announce entering an agreement to acquire the sprawling 106-acre property adjacent to its existing grounds.
Now that Yaakov is uprooting his family and is moving to Mitzrayim – a strange land, it is necessary to create the proper environment for them. The Rebbe’s letter addresses this issue.
Rabbi Yosef Braun of The Crown Heights Beis Din has published a Day-to-Day Halachic guide for Asara B’Teves and Nittel Nacht.
Chabad of the Valley’s annual “Chanukah Live” event took place in Los Angeles this Chanukah at the former CBS Studios, now the multi-billion dollar Radford Studio Center.
With all the current darkness on college campuses and the antisemitism that students are facing, we present a transcript of the famous yechidus that the Rebbe had with a group of college students in 5720 (1960).
This week, one hundred young Shluchim from across the US and around the world converged on Glendale, California, for the 11th annual MyShliach Tzeirei Hashluchim West Coast Winter Camp. From England to Australia and all across the United States, these young ambassadors of Yiddishkeit have come together to strengthen their connection to their fellow Shluchim and joint mission.
The demand for blood is increasing. Our brothers and sisters across the country are relying on the blood donations from our community. To help meet this demand, Ahavas Chesed will be sponsoring a Blood Drive at the Lubavitch Yeshiva, 570 Crown Street!
Thanks to the generous supporters of the Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland, seven pairs of Teffillin have been donated for the Israel Police, which are now on the way to Israel via military pouch for the members of the Israeli Police Force.
Bringing Jewish children into a Yiddishe Chinuch is the driving inspiration behind the brand new Winter Overnight Camp for Ckids Gan Israel Florida.
Chevras Simchas Shabbos V’Yom Tov’s – Chanukah Toy Drive distributed beautiful new toys to hundreds of children in Crown Heights.
Mrs. Chaya Kaplan is a mother to five sons and a psychologist. She resides in Monsey, New York, where she directs a program for developmentally disabled young adults. She was interviewed in July 2018.
The growing Lubavitch community of Kingston, PA has until now had to endure a grueling two and a half hour drive to and from NYC up until now. Soon that will change.
Lubavitchers in 770 Eastern Parkway, the Headquarters of Chabad, were shocked Wednesday evening when inspectors from the FDNY and Department of Buildings descended on the Shul saying that a complaint had been filed against the building.
As Israeli citizens are normally required to enter and exit Israel on their Israeli passports, an exception was made to allow dual citizens to enter and exit the country using their foreign passports. This exception was set to expire on December 31, 2023.
The 6th Annual JUSA Chanukah Menorah Lightning and party took place at Aberdeen Proving Ground with the help of the Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland.