Gallery: Friday At The 15th Annual CTeen Shabbaton
Flags waving, megaphones blaring, the streets of Crown Heights are being rocked by thousands of CTeeners from all around the world.
Flags waving, megaphones blaring, the streets of Crown Heights are being rocked by thousands of CTeeners from all around the world.
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Every Jew has a connection to 770 through the hafotzas hamaayanos of all the Shluchim and Chassidim of the Rebbe. We need to make it an expressed reality. Op-Ed by Rabbi Chanan Krivisky
Why would someone bang a kettle? That is the question no one is asking except for you. And the answer is not at all simple.
I heard the following story from Rabbi Kasriel Kastel sheyichyeh, some time ago, and as always your feedback is greatly appreciated.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman speaks about the Mishkan, and its importance for each and every one of us.
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Levi Rapoport grew up on Shlichus in Syracuse, NY. He is a licensed psychotherapist working in private practice in Crown Heights and gives a nightly Rambam Shiur at Re’im Ahuvim. He will be giving this week’s shiur on Torah & Mental Health: a discussion of the three souls.
We present a remarkable maamar of the Tzemach Tzedek with Biurim from Reb Hillel Paritcher. These Biurim are being published here for the first time from Manuscript.
Three people ask the Lubavitcher Rebbe what is their purpose in life, and they got three amazing answers.
The powerful buzz of tens of languages harmonizing together reverberated throughout the decorated walls of the Oholei Torah Ballroom as thousands of Jewish teens from 30 different countries joined together for dinner and the commencement of the 15th annual CTeen Shabbaton.
With great sadness we report the passing of Nechemya Englesberg OBM, the Baal Koreh for decades at the Tzemach Tzedek Shul in Tsfat. He passed away on the 22nd of Shvat, 5783.