Weekly Letter: “My Jewishness Means Little to Me”

In this week’s parsha we learn of the birth and life of Yaakov and Esav, twins born to Yitzchak and Rivkah – and we see Esav disregarding the teachings of his parents and rejecting the responsibilities of a first born. In this connection – we bring a letter in which the Rebbe answers one who declares that “my Jewishness means little to me.”

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Picture of the Day

Now, this is a sight not seen often in Crown Heights, a helicopter occupying a vacant lot. This helicopter decided to pay Crown Heights a visit for an unknown reason, parking in the empty lot on the corner of Carroll Street and Troy Ave.

Alter Rebbe’s Deposition Now Available English

After the fall of the Iron curtain, the archives of the Czarist Attorney General containing all the inter-governmental correspondence involving the Alter Rebbe’s case became available. Within it was found what is arguably the most important document of the entire file: The original deposition of the Alter Rebbe in which he answered in writing most of the twenty-two points of contention on which he was interrogated.

Antisemitic Attack on Boston Campus Spurs Numerous Acts of Jewish Pride

When Eli Codron, a student at Northeastern University in Boston, walked into the local Hillel for morning prayer services, he wasn’t expecting to hear the news Rabbi Mendy Posner of the campus Chabad House had to tell him.