Video of the Day

Fanfare and a welcome reception awaited Crown Heights resident Chaim Avigdor Zeitlin on his return home from the hospital after battling COVID-19. Neighbors and family welcomed the father of seven, all while keeping to social distancing guidelines.

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Eber’s Tishrei Liquor and Wine Sale

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Picture of the Day

A tree limb came crashing down across the service lane on Eastern Parkway between Kingston Ave and Brooklyn Ave in Crown Heights Thursday. The limb crushed one cars trunk, and another’s front end across the street. 

Stories By Rabbi Sholem Perl Now Online

While everyone is busy trying to entertain their children at home, in response to the many requests from his fans, Master StoryTeller, Rabbi Sholem Perl, had a website built where his many stories will be hosted, for children of all ages, to listen and enjoy, free of charge.

Here’s My Story: Making the World a Smaller Place

Between 1970 and 1994, Rabbi Chaim Baruch Halberstam broadcast and recorded thousands of hours of the Rebbe’s talks and interactions with individual while directing the World Lubavitch Communication Center. (Today, the office of WLCC serves as a visitors’ center and Chabad House, welcoming guests to 770.) He was interviewed in March of 2019.

18th Yartzeit Of Rabbi Dovid Bryn OBM

April 30, marks the 18th Yahrtzeit (anniversary of his passing) of South Florida Legend, the beloved Rabbi Dovid Bryn zt”l, founder of Chabad Chayil & the California Club Shul. Mostly known for his unending acts of kindness and genuine love for every human being, he is truly missed by all who knew him.