BDE: Rabbi Mordechei (Mottel) Leib Chein, 81, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Mordechei (Mottel) Leib Chein OBM, a Chossid and Tomim who lived in Crown Heights. He passed away Tuesday night, the 7th of Nissan, 5780.
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Mordechei (Mottel) Leib Chein OBM, a Chossid and Tomim who lived in Crown Heights. He passed away Tuesday night, the 7th of Nissan, 5780.
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As Part of the new project to watch and relive “Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengens with the Rebbe”, we present to you tonight’s Video Farbrengen: Yud Alef Nissan 5742, The Rebbe’s 80th Birthday, Sicha Gimmel and Hey. along with the Hanacha in English, Hebrew and Yiddish along with Summaries of the Sichos.
The Chesed Shel Emes organization published a community statement Tuesday, denouncing the publishing and proliferation of videos of niftarim during these trying times.
With great sadness we report the passing of Harav Asher Zelig Gottlieb OBM a long time Crown Heights residents. He passed away on Tuesday, the 6th of Nissan, 5780.
Three months after being brutally attacked at a Chanukkah Tish in Monsey, Yehosef Neumann A”H died of his wounds. He was 72 years old.
New York’s Empire State Building stood in solidarity with a rotated emergency beacon on its spire to honor the everyday heroes risking their lives to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the US.
The OK Kosher has published a special Passover kashering guide for this year as many people will be making Pesach in their home for the first time. The guide was compiled by Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka and Rabbi Yosef D. Chanowitz.
Mayor Bill de Blasio and other city officials announced a partnership with FEMA to bring an additional 250 ambulances to New York City amid the worsening coronavirus pandemic.
Guta Schapiro, the matriarch of a large Chabad-Lubavitch family who lived through many hardships in the Soviet Union, passed away on March 29. She was 99 years old.
Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, the Senior Rabbi on Long Island, who heads a staff of over 50 rabbis in 38 centers, today announced the launch of his new book titled, Eight Paths of Purpose.
This week, in light of the difficult situation, Lahak has published a new booklet alongside the regular ‘Hisvaadus’ booklet, containing a Maamar on the topic of healing — Vehaisir Hashem Mimcha Kol Choli, 5721. Several pirsum rishon letters and maanos were also included in the hosafos.