U.S. Gov. Declines to Join Case Against Michigan Jewish Institute
Seven years after a lawsuit was filed by a disgruntled employee of the Michigan Jewish Institute, the U.S. Government declines to join the case.
Seven years after a lawsuit was filed by a disgruntled employee of the Michigan Jewish Institute, the U.S. Government declines to join the case.
We present the Shalom Zochor list for the week of Shabbos Parshas Shemos:
In continuation with the theme of preparing for Yud Shevat , shnas hasiviim (the 70th year of the Rebbe’s nesius), I chose the following story which is based on a possuk of this week’s parsha and I heard from my father, Reb Meir a”h. A chossid has to recognize that as much as we know and understand, whatever the Rebbe tells us is Emes liamito.
Slavador Litvak, known as the “Accidental Talmudist,” shared this story about Rabbi Reuven Israel Kott, a Gerrer Chossid who saved thousands by helping them escape Poland before World War Two,
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present a photo of the Rebbe.