Making Every Seat, the Best Seat This Rosh Hashana

This coming Yomim Noraim, hundreds of communities will be inspired by Sparks of Wisdom. A recent addition to the JLI’s array of educational tools for Shluchim, the small booklets containing ten powerful nuggets of Torah wisdom are published before special days on the Jewish and Chassidic calendar. Each section is followed by a question designed to spark discussion or thoughtful contemplation.

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#LetsChalkShabbos on the 3 Train, An Innovative Mivtzoim Campaign

The Mivtzoim Depot, a project of Lubavitch Youth Organization, is organizing a pre-Tishrei Mivtzoim campaign for girls and families of Crown Heights, happening today and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday). Participants choose a stop along the 3 train line, come pick up a kit with stencil, chalk and chalk spray, and head out to their location. There, they are going to leave a chalk message about the Shabbos candle lighting time, and distribute neshek and Tishrei guides to passersby.

In The Moment, From JEM

Imagine you were a guest visiting “770” with your smartphone? Imagine your friends and family could follow your experiences on social media? Meet Sholom B, an eighteen-year-old student visiting the Rebbe who recorded everything he saw, and shared it in real time for all to see.

Video of the Day

Rabbi Gershon Avtzon of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, was invited to give the invocation in the senate of the state of Ohio. Rabbi Avtzon spoke about Chai Elul, the upcoming Yomim Noraim and the idea of Melech Basadeh in connection to Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach.

Laws and Customs: Selichos

Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Magid Shiur in the Yeshiva Gedola of Melbourne, Australia, has compiled a guide to the laws and customs for the period of Selichos for the benefit of the wider Lubavitch community.

Picture of the Day

With many people uneasy and unsure about the achdus celebrated by the three Crown Heights Rabbonim, this photo should put your mind at ease. All three Rabbonim sat proudly together at the head table at the Chai Elul Farbrengen that took place in 770 Wednesday night.