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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 58% OFF 110W Portable Solar Panel

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110W Portable Solar Panel

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DEAL PRICE: $169.00 (58% OFF)


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Your Place Is Here: An Emissary Reflects With Candor

On the day their mikvah inauguration, Reizy Zaklas of Chabad of Zagreb, Croatia, took a break from all the hoopla to reflect with Mrs. Baila Olidort. It began by asking her if she would be willing to share some of her personal experiences leading up to this happy moment. She did, at first with the caveat that she did not want these stories published. But after some persuading, she agreed.

Moscow Synagogue Donates Torah to Struggling Tel Aviv Yeshivah

A prominent Chabad-run Moscow synagogue, itself a target of 21st-century anti-Semitic hate and destruction, has donated a Torah scroll to the yeshivah in Tel Aviv that was launched and led by terror victim Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger. The 47-year-old father of 12 was fatally shot on March 17 at a junction near the Ariel settlement, heroically attempting to save others after being severely wounded.

Picture of the Day

A touching photo has surfaced on social media showing a young boy helping an Israeli soldier don tefillin. The photo shows what appears to be a teffillin booth in the background, as the boy with long peyot and sirtuk helps a soldier put on tefillin. If you have any details on this photo, drop a comment to the editor.