Torahs Menachem Sale Returns for a 3rd Time

The amazing sale, where one can purchase the full current set of Toras Menachem, 60 volumes of the Rebbe’s Torah from the first two decades of the Nesius (1950-1970), is back for a third, and last, time. Ten days only with option of shipping in Israel and the US. Shul’s Kolels, Yeshivos and Camps have a unique opportunity to enrich their library with the Rebbe’s holy words.

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A Kangaroo Crash and a Rare Rabbi-Sighting in the Outback

Cootamundra, population 6,700. I had been driving for six hours on behalf of Chabad of Rural and Regional Australia, or RARA, northbound along the seemingly endless Hume Highway, stretching the vast distance of Australia’s east coast. I was headed to Wollongong, just one of eleven locations where regional Seders would be taking place, a coastal paradise famed for its beautiful beaches and warm climate. But now I was taking an hour detour off the Hume Highway to visit the only Jewish family living in Cootamundra.