From Days Gone By: Reb Avrohom Mayor
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present this photo of the famed elder Chossid Reb Avrohom Mayor (Drizin), circa 1985. Can you identify where the photo was taken?
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present this photo of the famed elder Chossid Reb Avrohom Mayor (Drizin), circa 1985. Can you identify where the photo was taken?
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An Australian Chabad rabbi has denied a report saying he does not feel safe in his country.
A new kosher restaurant just opened in the heart of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, the first of its kind on the Baja California Peninsula.
For more than 10 years, the property near a busy intersection sat dormant. Deeded to Lubavitch Center of Essex County, it had potential. At least, that’s what Rabbi Baruch and Devorah Klar thought.
Yesterday, the newborn son of Eli and Ilana Duban was named Yehoshua, honoring the young Crown Heights father of two, Shua Polonsky, who tragically passed away last week after a sudden and brief illness.
Today, 9 Kislev, is both the birthday and day of passing of Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch, son of and successor to the founder of Chabad Chassidism, Rabbi Schneur Zalman·of Liadi.
In honor of the birthday and Chag Hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe, whose very life was Chassidus, a Father and Son Chassidus program was held in United Lubavitcher Yeshiva for the 7th and 8th grades.
Myron Sugerman will hold you spellbound as he tells the history of the Jewish Mob and their remarkable contributions to the betterment of the jewish people. They fought the American Nazi party in the 30s and supplied arms, cash, and illegal weapons to both the Hagana and Irgun in the struggle for Israel’s independence.
For children from small Jewish communities, it can be hard to imagine that there are other Jewish kids like them. They are often the only Jewish children in their grade, feeling as though they are small fish in a big pond. To bolster their Jewish pride and to combat the misconception of being ‘the only Jew in their grade,’ CKids hosted four Grand unity events in cities like Los Angeles, Toronto, and Maryland, giving children of all ages something to feel proud about.