Photo: Lubavitch Archives
From Days Gone By: Reb Avrohom Mayor
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present this photo of the famed elder Chossid Reb Avrohom Mayor (Drizin), circa 1985. Can you identify where the photo was taken?
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entrance to 770
In Front of 784 Eastern Parkway
Which is now incorporated into the big shul of 770.
Not 1985
This is many years before 1985.
788 entrance
Picaboo Shimon
in front of 770. aufrichtigs was on the corner where the museum is now
Going into 770
In front of 788 eastern parkway
I can see afructics Grocery / apptamizers
We would go into Buy lox on bagel
Or American chees sanwitch
Yossi A
Picture was taken in front of 770….
Without a doubt outside seven seventy,, check out ess n bentch in the background,, (Mr Lipsker’s grocery store too)
I remember this!
Yes this was on kingston ave by the wonderful dairy restaurant that was there. The restaurant made the most wonderful tuna salad
In front of 788 Eastern Parkway
Right next to 770 784 EP
Those were the days
Front of 770 right after the vaiber shul
In front of 784 Eastern Parkway, but possibly before 1985.
Corner Kingston ep. Lipskar’s.
Going into 770 downstairs shul
in front of 788 Eastern Parkway
Kingston and eastern parkway.
Circa 1985?
Did “Doar” set up shop yet by 1985? If at all might have been later in the year. I don’t think it existed at the beginning of תשמ״ה.
Some nostalgia there in the background.
At 770. Ess and Bench was across the street. Lovvve the whitefish salad at Aufrichtigs!
Its later than 1985. I doubt DOAR opened by 1985. I believe it opened a little later, 1987-88
Looks like Avraham Elya Grozofsky with him
in front of 770
They are standing in front of 770. That is Aufrichtigs grocery store behind them in the building that was torn down for the JCM. Gee whiz, it’s been a looong time since I’ve said the word Aufrichtigs :)
Who is the young chossid walking with R’ Avrohom?
732 empire
That's not Doar
Doar was on the corner of Crown and Kingston.
doar was located at 297 kingston before being relocated to 383 kingston in the early 90s.
old timer
Aufrichtigs was there in the ’60’s !!!
(I think)
But entering into 770 came much later
Corner store was aufrichtig, Upstairs the apartment belonged to R’ Moshe Dubinsky O”H.
Lipskers was the next block where Kahn is today-its not in the picture