ULY Hosts Father & Son Farbrengen
In honor of the birthday and Chag Hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe, whose very life was Chassidus, a Father and Son Chassidus program was held in United Lubavitcher Yeshiva for the 7th and 8th grades.
In the morning, fathers came with their sons to learn a Maamar Chassidus and Daven Shachris together. Upon conclusion of the Chassidus learning, Rabbi Yosef Simpson delivered an overview of the Maamar adding clarity and emphasizing the practical aspects of the Maamar.
After Shachris everyone got together for a lavish Farbrengen/breakfast.
The Farbrengen was emceed by Rabbi Yosef Wolf. The parents joined the Talmidim for the spirited singing of Niggunim. Hatomim Mendel Zwiebel lead the Tehillim, a Dvar Torah was recited by Hatomim Mendy Taichman. Rabbi Moshe Levy, one of the parents and and a Rebbi in the Yeshiva, inspired the crowd with stories and important lessons for the Talmidim and their parents.
It was immensely uplifting to see the smiles on the Talmidim’s faces having the opportunity to spend time with their fathers in their Yeshiva.
A special thank you is due to Rabbi Mendel Unsdorfer for arranging this special event.
Ch Mother
Mendel Zwiebel Best Boy EVER!
Grateful parent
Thank you!! Beautiful to see!