Facebook Allowed Advertisers to Target ‘Jew Haters’
Until just recently, Facebook allowed advertisers to target messages to people interested in Anti-Semitic topics, such as “Jew haters” and “how to burn Jews.”
Until just recently, Facebook allowed advertisers to target messages to people interested in Anti-Semitic topics, such as “Jew haters” and “how to burn Jews.”
As Hurricane Irma bore down on Florida last weekend, Chabad on Campus centers across the state opened their doors, providing shelter for students and community members. In the days since the storm passed, Chabad has shifted to arranging meals for students and organizing relief convoys to assist in the areas worst hit by the storm.
Davidi Ben-Sion, deputy head of the Shomron Regional Council, visited the Ohel on Thursday afternoon at the conclusion of a visit to the Unites States, accompanied by Chabad activist Rabbi Yaacov Behrman, and Chabad journalist Schnear Zalman Weber.
“The interminable service ended at exactly Noon. The four goons miraculously disappeared, and I went down into a pitch black room where fifteen people were seated around a table. The table was set with many bottles of clear white liquid and slices of honey cake.”
This week, as we begin the new school year, we present a letter from the Rebbe in which he reminds us all of the obligations which both the schools and the parents have in the education of our children. A unique and powerful message woven through the well-known story of Hillel the Elder and hismesiras nefesh for Torah learning. The letter, written originally in English, is from the archives of the Rebbe’s personal trusted secretary, Rabbi Nissan Mindel.
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Michoel Seligson will lead a discussion on the topic of Rosh Hashana.
President Donald Trump has invited representatives from three major Orthodox umbrella groups — one of which is Chabad-Lubavitch — to join a pre-Rosh Hashanah conference call, but pointedly left off the invitation list the Reform and Reconstructionist representatives favored by Barrack Obama.
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present a photo of the Rebbe exiting after a Farbrengen, circa 1983.