Trendy Boutique Employs People with Special Needs
ZABS Place offers everything from clothing and toys to home goods and greeting cards. What makes this boutique thrift store in North Carolina different is that it employs workers with special needs.
ZABS Place offers everything from clothing and toys to home goods and greeting cards. What makes this boutique thrift store in North Carolina different is that it employs workers with special needs.
Over this summer, 44 devoted teachers perfected their classroom and teaching skills through Igud Hamelamdim’s comprehensive training course.
As Camp Gan Yisroel came to a close, the whole camp partook in a very emotional and inspiring banquet, where all the awards of the summer were given out.
Rabbi Chaim Mentz of Chabad of Bel Air, CA, joined a local Fox News panel to discuss the events in Charlottesville, the fallout and what many see as the rise of hate groups and anti-Semitism.
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Zelda Katzenelenbogen, OBM, of London, UK, wife of Reb Moshe Katzenelenbogen, OBM, and matriarch of a large family of Chassidim and Shluchim. She was 76 years old.
After receiving many inquiries about whether there is a Brocho to say when seeing today’s solar eclipse, Rabbi Levi Gorelik responds that the Rebbe was asked this very question in 1957. Plus: Eclipse safety tips and live video of the event in the extended article.
To help make the tefilos of the Yomim Noroim more meaningful and inspirational, Chabad.org is publishing “Reflections”, a new mini companion to the machzor.
On Monday, August 21, a solar eclipse will be visible over North America. What’s the Jewish take? JEM presents a newly-published video of the Rebbe discussing this very topic.
“I had the privilege to experience one of the most meaningful and inspirational flights from New York To Israel,” says Crown Heights filmmaker Meir Kalmanson. “There are moments in our lives that when we look back at them we say ‘that was when my life changed forever.'”
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Gittel Shprintza Gottlieb OBM, the wife of Rabbi Naftoli Tzvi Gottlieb OBM of Beitar Illit, Israel, who passed away just a month and a half after her husband. She was 78 years old.
Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Magid Shiur in the Yeshiva Gedola of Melbourne, Australia, has compiled a guide to the laws and customs of the month of Elul (up to but not including the period of Selichos) for the benefit of the wider Lubavitch community.