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Weekly Letter: Deeper Meaning of the 10 Commandments

This week, as we read in the Torah Parshas Yisro, we present a letter from the Rebbe discussing the deeper significance of the Ten Commandments – the connection between the profound principle of monotheism contained in the first two commandments and the apparently  simple and obvious injunctions of the last few commandments. The letter, written originally in English, is from the archives of the Rebbe’s personal trusted secretary, Rabbi Nissan Mindel.

New Shluchim to Argentina

Mar del Plata, located in Argentina’s Buenos Aires Province, is a bustling beach city found on the country’s east coast. With a permanent population of 750,000, and nearly eight times that number of annual tourists, Mar del Plata is the seventh-largest city in Argentina and home to an estimated 5,000 Jews, who now have their own Chabad branch.

Dads Hold the Fort While Wives in New York

Growing up as the child of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries to Skokie, Ill., writer Menachem Posner remembers the weekend in the winter when his mother would go to New York for the annual Kinus Hashluchos. For her, it was a time to catch up with her siblings and parents, trade tips on education and camp administration, and most importantly, to bask in the presence of the Rebbe. But for the kids, it meant one thing: eggs.

109 College Students Go to Yeshiva

Chabad on Campus International has reported that during the fall and winter semesters alone, 109 students from 42 universities have attended Jewish learning programs with the assistance of their Lamdeni Initiative. The students spend at least three weeks in learning programs based in Israel and the United States.