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8:00pm: What Can We Do About Rising Tuition Costs?

This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 132, will air tonight, Sunday, here on, beginning at 8:00pm. This week Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics: What Can We Do About Rising Tuition Costs? How Can We Improve Our Educational Systems? What is the Meaning of Chai Elul Today? Is There a Standard for Applying Chassidus? What Personal Conduct is Appropriate in 770? Why the Need to Break Ourselves Through Avodah?

FDA Discovers Systemic Problems at Ossie’s

The Food and Drug Administration has issues and alert and immediately suspending the registration and authorization of SM Fish Corp. – which produces many seafood based ready to eat products under the brands of Ossie’s and Ossie’s Gourmet. An inspection by the FDA revealed the facility to be widely contaminated with Listeria, a germ that can cause a rare but serious, sometimes fatal illness.