Sun. & Mon. Parking Rules and Regulations

Tomorrow, Labor Day Monday, hundreds of thousands will be attending the annual West Indian American Day Parade in Crown Heights. Celebrations begin Sunday evening and run through Monday night. has compiled all the info you need to know in order to navigate the gridlocked neighborhood.

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8:00pm: Are We Allowed to Study Kabbalah?

This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 130, will air tonight, Sunday, here on, beginning at 8:00pm. This week Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics: Are We Allowed to Study Kabbalah? What Is the Proper Balance Between Science and Religion? Can Our Minds Actually Control Our Hearts? Since G-d is Indivisible How Can We Call a Soul a Chelek Elokah M’Maal Mamash?