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8:00pm: Are Miracles in the Torah Literal?

This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 110, will air tonight, Sunday, here on, beginning at 8:00pm. This week Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics: Are Miracles in The Torah Literal? Tznius Revisited; I’m Clueless to Why People Are Jealous of Me! Dealing with a Miscarriage.

Jewish Children in Ukraine Warzone Receive Clothing

The inhabitants of Lugansk, a city in war-stricken Eastern Ukraine, continue to live in danger and under the threat of violence and hazards. The entire region has not yet recovered from the devastating destruction and the collapse of the economy. Many of the region’s population have dispersed across Ukraine and become refugees, yet thousands have no choice and remain in their homes despite the difficulties.