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Letter & Spirit: The ‘Why’ of Our Challenges

In this week’s edition of Letter and Spirit, as we read in this week’s Parsha about the descent of Yaakov to Mitzrayim and the beginning of our first golus,  we present an in-depth letter of the Rebbe in which he explains the “why” of personal challenges, as well as the communal challenges of our people, as experienced in golus. The letter was written in English through the Rebbe’s trusted secretary Rabbi Nissan Mindel, and was made available by the latter’s son-in-law, Rabbi Sholom Ber Shapiro.

Photos: Shopping for Seforim at Kehot!

One of the Rebbes instructions marking Hey Teves was the encouragement to buy Seforim. Honoring this Kehot has been hosting a sale, marking down Seforim by as much as 50% off. Hundreds have been taking advantage in person, with thousands around the world placing their orders by phone or online.

Rabbi Benny’s Weekly Torah Thought: The One with All the Crying

Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parasha, Vayigash. This week Rabbi Benny answers the questions: When Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, him and Benjamin embrace and weep together, because they each foresaw the other’s future suffering and destruction… But why weep for the other guy when they should have each just wept for themselves?