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Bill Aims to Force Yeshivos to Provide ‘Adequate’ Secular Education

On the heels of the class action lawsuit filed recently against New York State and the East Ramapo School District, a Rockland County assemblyman is set to introduce legislation that seeks to add teeth to a 90-year-old law – which has never been enforced – that requires private schools in New York State to provide their students with a secular education on par with the state’s public schools.

Photos: Yud Tes Kislev in Monsey

This past Motzei Shabbos, Parshas Vayishlach, the Rockland County Community once again celebrated Yud Tes Kislev with a gala Melava Malka, organized by Heichal Menachem of Monsey. The Melava Malka was attended by prominent Rabbonim and drew a diverse crowd of close to one thousand people, representing the entire spectrum of Yidden, all in their yearning and appreciation in this turbulent era, forAvodas Hashem as it is illuminated via Chassidus.