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Deaf Yeshiva Student Completes Whole Talmud

Rabbi Isser Lubecki, now married and serving as a Chabad Shliach in Paris, France, will make a stopover in Toronto on his way to the Kinus Hashluchim in New York this year. The purpose of this stopover is to pay a visit to his former Yeshiva, Nefesh Dovid – a Yeshiva that caters to Bochurim who are deaf – where he will make a Siyum on the entire Shas in front of his beaming former teachers and classmates.

Music Video: Chevron, City of Mine

Rabbi Shmuel Kopel, originally from Crown Heights, recently moved to Tzfas, Israel, to perform Shlichus there. In honor of the upcoming “Shabbat Chevron” weekend, which coincides every year with Parshas Chayei Sarah – in which Avraham purchased the Me’aras Hamachpelah – he composed, recorded and filmed this music video about the holy city of our forefathers.

Celebrating the Rebbe Rashab’s Birthday and Legacy

Today, Monday, the 20th day of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, marks the 155th anniversary of the birth of visionary Jewish leader and Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn. Though he lived only to age 59, he served as a noted leader for the largely rural Jewish communities throughout the expanses of the Russian Empire, guiding their transition to life in the modern era. During his life, he fought the oppression of both the Czarist and Bolshevik regimes as well as the tides of assimilation corroding traditional Jewish life.