Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Sara Deren, 38, OBM

With great shock and deep pain we inform you of the sudden and untimely passing of Mrs. Sara (nee Cohen) Deren, OBM, wife of Shliach Rabbi Mendy Deren, OBM, who passed away five years ago. She was 38 years old, just one month shy of her 39th birthday.

Sara was the daughter of R’ Dovid and Tziona Cohen, may they live and be well, who live in Jerusalem, Israel.

Sara had a very special connection with her husband, with whom she shared a Shlichus at the Mayanot Institute in Jerusalem. Together, the couple had a profound impact on many Jews who came through the institute’s doors, who were inspired by their warmth, positivity and strength in spite of their personal hardships.

Devorah Benjamin, founder and director of KSCVK, who became close to the couple after they moved to New York, described Sara as very Chesed oriented and kind. “She was a very happy person and always had a smile on her face,” she said.

Sara had a notable passion for cooking, and hosted many cooking classes in her Crown Heights apartment.

Her husband, Rabbi Menachem Mendel HaKohen Deren, passed away almost exactly five years ago, on 27 Cheshvan, 5771 (November 4th, 2010). The couple did not have any children.

The Levaya will take place Monday night and will pass by 770 at around 8:15pm, on its way to Israel where the Kevurah will take place.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Sarah Deren (center) at the Kinus Hashluchos Banquet in 2012.
Sara Deren (center) at the Kinus Hashluchos Banquet in 2012.
Sara with her husband Mendy OBM.
Sara with her husband Mendy.