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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 58% OFF 110W Portable Solar Panel

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110W Portable Solar Panel

Foldable with Carry Case

High 23% Efficiency

IP68 Water & Dustproof Design

DEAL PRICE: $169.00 (58% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

Op-Ed: “Tatty, how come we Kill Chickens?”

The sounds and smells confirm our destination is nearby. As we turn the corner, I instantly clutch their hands as we’re greeted by the annual jovial scene: crowds mil about, chickens swing, children duck and squeal from the chickens’ excrement in a mix of frightful delight, and collectors schnorr Tzedaka for their respective Institutions.

by Meir Yedidya

70 Years Later: Holocaust Survivor Has Bar Mitzvah

Rabbi Shaul Wertheimer, co-director of Chabad on Campus Queens in Kew Gardens Hills, N.Y., was making his rounds recently at the Franklin Home for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Flushing, N.Y., where he serves as a chaplain. He happened to check in on an 83-year-old man named Irving Malkis, a nursing-home resident from Manhattan.

Chabad Hosts ‘You Belong in Birmingham’ Shabbos Dinner

On Friday, August 28, over 25 Birmingham young Jewish professionals gathered for a Shabbat dinner at Chabad of Alabama in conjunction with the local You Belong in Birmingham YJP organization.  Starting with the Kabbalat Shabbat service, and then proceeding with delectable traditional Shabbat foods such as challah and matza ball soup prepared by Rabbi Levi and Mushka Weinbaum, YBIB belong members truly felt the Shabbat spirit while meeting other young Jewish professionals in Birmingham.

by David Glazer

Wales Rabbi Builds Sukkah Awareness on BBC Radio

When Jewish people the world over begin putting up sukkahs—the temporary dwellings used during the week-long holiday of Sukkot, which this year begins on the evening of Sunday, Sept. 27—Rabbi Michoel Rose will be adding an additional task to his pre-holiday checklist.