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Weekly Living Torah Video: The Rebbe Said Thank You

Mr. Evsey Neymotin recalls his father’s efforts in assisting Rabbi Levi Yitzchak and Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, the Rebbe’s parents, when they arrived in Almaty, Kazakhstan, as well as the Rebbe’s expressions of gratitude when the Neymotins arrived in the United States many decades later.

First Class Passengers: The ‘Chosen People’ Doctrine

Did you ever see a Jew run in to a store and head straight to the front of the line saying: “Excuse me; you’ll all have to wait while I take care of my business? You see I’m Jewish, you know it’s that ‘Chosen’ thing. Membership after all has its privileges.” Have you ever heard of a Jew paying less for something because of his special “Jew Discount”? (This, of course, should not be confused with our knack for bargaining). The answer is obviously no.

by Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov - Jax, FL