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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Westcott Kids’ Scissors 12 Pack

Grab this perfect InfoDeal!

Westcott Right-and Left-Handed Scissors

Kids’ Scissors, 5-Inch Blunt Tip

Assorted Colors, 12 Pack

DEAL PRICE: $8.48 (74% OFF)


Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

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Info to Be Menachem Avel Mrs. Leah Silverstein

Mrs. Leah Silverstein is sitting shiva after the passing of her mother, OBM, at 1559 Carroll St. [between Troy and Schenectady Aves.] until Friday afternoon. Visitors are requested to come between the hours of 12:00-9:00pm. Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion […]

65-Year-Old Possible Victim of ‘Knockout Game’

Immediately following a wedding in Borough Park at 2:30am Tuesday morning, a 65 year-old Orthodox Jewish visitor from Great Britain was attacked and injured in what some are calling a twisted version of the “knockout game.” Update: Hoax? Update #2: Not a hoax.

Please Say Tehillim for..

Please take a moment and say a Kapital Tehillim for Menachem Mendel Halevi ben Chaya, a member of Anash who is undergoing brain surgery today. His personal Kapital is Samach Daled (64).

Girls Create ‘Park’ Out of Shabbos Laws

This year, when teaching the Lamed Tes (39) Melachos (types of work) that are forbidden on Shabbos, the teachers of Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary school in Los Angeles, California showed colorful pictures, hands-on tools, and brought in everything besides their kitchen sinks to teach the difficult subject to their students.