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Eber’s Tishrei Liquor and Wine Sale

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Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Zev Aryeh Glick, 22-months-old, OBM

With a heavy heart, deep pain and sadness we inform you of the tragic and untimely passing of Zev Aryeh ben Nechama Glick, the 22-month-old child that nearly drowned on Shabbos, and valiantly fought for the last four days. UPDATE: Levaya times added.

Toronto Jewish Community Back to Normal After Severe Flooding

Much of Toronto has had power restored after last night’s torrential rains which overwhelmed the area, stranding commuters and motorists and leaving 300,000 customers without electricity. Still, the relief may be short lived as meteorologists warn of potential thunderstorms and lightning that may strike the area both tonight and tomorrow night.