Bochurim Spend Time Learning in Central Africa

A Kvutzah of Tmimim from 770 are currently spending eight weeks in the heart of Central Africa learning amongst themselves and teaching  locals.

The group includes top Bachurim from 770 who wished to spend quality time learning amongst themselves  and at the same time contribute to the Rebbe’s Shlichus program in Africa.

They are, Levi Abelsky, Yosef Baumgarten, Bentzion Brook, Yehuda Drizin, Shmuel Levine, Efraim Karp, Yossi Krasnjanki, and Peretz Lazaroff.

What makes this group so unique is that it includes Bachurim from the first three groups (summer 5771, Kvutzahs 5772 and 5773 as well as one of the eltere Bachurim for the upcoming Kvutzah of 5774!

The “BUG”, only to be found in the Congo, is registered as “The African Bug” and is described as a mixture of Chassidisher farbrengens, beautiful villa with pool, a spacious Beis Midrash with a fully stocked library of Seforim and the ability to learn in peace of mind, and so much more.

A search of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) travel advisory to Africa does not list this rare insect bite and the only cure to be found is to stay longer and come back again and again.

Rabbi Shlomo Bentolila is pleased to announce that the third Kvutzah (5774) is almost complete with 8 new Bachurim and an eltere Bachur/Meishiv to depart immediately after Shabbos Breishis.

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