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Opinion: In Response to Yanky and the System

Dear Yanky, I read your recent article entitled “Ad Mosai? How Long Must I Be in the System?” with great interest. First of all, I want to compliment you on your writing. You say you never had a secular education, yet your writing is so clear and lucid, straight forward and thought out. In addition, while writing about something that is bothering you, you sound so positive and good natured. I commend you for that.

by Yochanan Kaufman

Banquet Recap: Women Hold 50% of Leadership Roles

The Shluchot and nearly 2,000 of their peers, convened at Lubavitch Headquarters in Brooklyn, New York last weekend for the quarter-century International Conference of Chabad Women Emissaries. The annual event draws women from five continents and nearly every country in the world for several days of workshops, inspirational programs, networking opportunities and celebrations. Large Photo Gallery Inside!

A Shliach Not Home Alone

On Motzei Shabbos, while the Shluchos enjoyed the Kinus main Session, their husbands were at home babysitting… The Beis Medrash L’Shluchim brought Shluchim an innovative idea: A chance to hear “Motzei Shabbos stories” about the Rebbetzin recounted by R’ Mendel Notik – a Mashamesh BaKodesh in the Rebbe’s house.

Rabbi Gavriel Zinner Visits Miami Yeshiva

Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, the author of the series Nitei Gavriel spoke to the Bochurim of Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami this past Sunday. He began with a D’var Torah in the Gemara the Bochurimare learning, Bava Metzia. Then he told over the opinion of the Alter Rebbe in Hilchos Hatmana in Shabbos.