Photos by Benams

Photos: Chovevei Torah Students Enjoy Shabbaton

The students of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim – Chovevei Torah were treated to a 3 day Shabbaton arranged by the Menahel Rabbi Mendel Blau and Reb Yosef Avtzon, they were joined by the Rosh Yeshiva Horav Zushe Winner and Rabbi Shimon Piekarski and Rabbi Shmuel Avtzon & Reb Yosef Blau who serve as Maggidei Shiuirim and Mashpiim in the Yeshiva.

The entire Yeshiva came together for Seudas Shabbos with Niggunim and  Farbrengens that extended through the entire Friday night, the meals were filled with Divrei Torah and Stories of the Rebbetzin’s Life shared by the Bochurim, Reb Yossi Geisinsky and Yeshiva faculty.

Motzei Shabbos the yeshiva enjoyed a Bar-B-Q Melave Malka watching the newly released video from JEM ‘A glimpse behind the Vail’ and then Rabbi Chaim Fogelman entertained the Yeshiva with Stories of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin together with kumzitz music and dancing.

Sunday morning the Bochurim enjoyed a trip to holiday mountain where they went snow tubing and Skiing.
The Bochurim have described the weekend as a wonderful blend of Meaning and recreation. and resumed learning Sunday evening with elevated spirits. Seeing the achdus that has been forged over the weekend between the Bochurim themselves and with their Maggidei Shiurim, – Rabbi Blau notes; it was a event worth all the time effort and costs.


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