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Lyon Mayor Meets with Shluchim over Brutal Attack

The Mayor and Chief of Police of Lyon meet with Levi Azulai and local Chabad representatives.

Three Chabad Rabbinical students were brutally attacked in Lyon, France on Shabbat afternoon, June 3rd, by a large group of Muslims. The victims were returning home from a Shabbat meal with friends, and were passing through a predominantly Muslim neighborhood when they were verbally and physically assaulted.

Keeping the Peace, One Kosher Frank at a Time

DNA Info

Mendy and Gila Eber with their two children, Avigayil and Chana, at the Harmony Day parade in Crown Heights.

When 26-year-old Crown Heights native Menachem Eber attended his first Family Day picnic in Lefferts Park 19 years ago, there were almost as many cameras as kosher franks. A generation later, tourists had replaced the television trucks, and despite expected record attendance, the once-unprecedented event barely warranted a nod.

Ribbon Cut to New Cape Coral Chabad Center


Rabbis Zalman Labkowski, second from left, Zushe Silberstein and Yossi Labkowski lead the grand opening of the Chabad Jewish Center of Cape Coral on Sunday.

A ribbon was cut and a mezuzah was affixed to a doorway Sunday to officially dedicate the Chabad Jewish Center of Cape Coral, Florida.

Op-Ed: Please Be Specific!

by Anonymous

It happens often. The phone rings. It is an unfamiliar number. My eyebrows narrow, my forehead wrinkles and my memory goes for a jog trying to decipher any previous connection with the digits on the screen. I press the green button and say in a polite voice, “Hello?”