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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

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DEAL PRICE: $44.99 (74% OFF)


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3rd Yahrtzeit of Levi Yitzchak Wolowik OBM

Three years later, the loss is still palpable. On Daled Adar, a month our sages note is filled with simcha, nine year old Levi Yitzchak Wolowik returned his Soul to the Creator. His memory is most appropriately honored at the Levi Yitzchak Library and Family Center in Cedarhurst, an exuberant place where children and young adults can enjoy great Jewish books and other wholesome and fun activities.

Arizona Jews Up in Arms over Horse Named ‘Pogrom’

Tucson Citizen

The name of a Polish champion horse that surfaced in coverage of the Scottsdale, Arizona Arabian Horse Show has caused a dustup because his moniker is associated with attacks on Jewish people.

Shul to Replace Earthquake Damaged Chabad House

Otago Daily Times

Standing outside what will be Queenstown’s first Jewish meeting place and kosher food supplier, the Queenstown Chabad House in the Gorge Rd Retail Centre, are (from left) Israeli visitor Anit Lavi, Chabad founder Rabbi Shmuel Kopel and Orgil Gazit, also a traveller from Israel.

Jewish residents and visitors to Queenstown will soon have the support of what is thought to be the area’s first synagogue and kosher food supplier, the Queenstown Chabad House.

Soon-to-Be Groom Victim of Anti-Semitic Assault

Illustration Photo

Crown Heights [CHI] — A Crown Heights Bochur, who will be getting married next week, was walking with a friend toward Prospect Park last night. As they were passing the botanical gardens, a large group of about 30 African–American teenagers passed them by, snickering and shouting Anti-Semitic epithets which cannot be repeated on this website.

Lessons in Education: Encouragement is happy to present the first in a series of short pieces on Chinuch by Rabbi Nochem Kaplan. In the inaugural segment he discusses “The power of positive attention”. He posits that a few encouraging words are the best motivator and the best reward for children. Complimenting children for following rules and good behavior and telling them that we are proud of them almost guarantees that it will be repeated.

Photos: Manchester Avos U’Bonim Melava Malka

MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — Over the past 15 weeks, the Avos U’Bonim of Manchester (UK) have been sitting down to learn together every Motzoei Shabbos. The Beis Menachem branch, one of the 14 branches in Manchester of the Worldwide Avos U’Bonim program, is under the dedicated leadership of Rabbi Yoel Niasoff. This past Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Teruma, 2nd Adar, a grand Melava Malka was held to celebrate the end of the winter season of Avos U’Bonim.