Lessons in Education: Encouragement

CrownHeights.info is happy to present the first in a series of short pieces on Chinuch by Rabbi Nochem Kaplan. In the inaugural segment he discusses “The power of positive attention”. He posits that a few encouraging words are the best motivator and the best reward for children. Complimenting children for following rules and good behavior and telling them that we are proud of them almost guarantees that it will be repeated.


  • Chaim

    Very nice. We can use all the help we can get in the Chinuch of our children, which is most probaly the most important thing we will ever do in our lives.

    Thank you.

  • Anon

    Great idea, but how about bringing someone who is successfully involved with the front end of chinuch, as opposed to someone who has been on the back end, and has been unsuccessful in the front end? Rabbi Mochoel Harari would be a great example of a true mechanech…