Photos: Manchester Avos U’Bonim Melava Malka

MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — Over the past 15 weeks, the Avos U’Bonim of Manchester (UK) have been sitting down to learn together every Motzoei Shabbos. The Beis Menachem branch, one of the 14 branches in Manchester of the Worldwide Avos U’Bonim program, is under the dedicated leadership of Rabbi Yoel Niasoff. This past Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Teruma, 2nd Adar, a grand Melava Malka was held to celebrate the end of the winter season of Avos U’Bonim.

Divrei Torah were given by Mendel Kinn, Mendy Blesofsky and Mendel Jaffe. Rabbi Mendel Cohen, Principal of the Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch Boys School, spoke to the Avos U’Bonim.

A beautiful Seudo was prepared by Mrs Raizy Niasoff with Mrs Shevy Blesofsky. Challos and Salads were donated by Mr David Sasson of Sasson’s Catering. Musical entertainment was provided by Chananya Niasoff and Mendel Pink.

Rabbi Levi Wineberg and Rabbi Shneur Kramer were each presented with a sefer as a token of appreciation of their dedication for attending every week as surrogate Avos.

On behalf of the Avos U’Bonim, Rabbi Yossi Chazan thanked Rabbi Yoel Niasoff for his dedication and time not just in looking after the program but for organizing and preparing the fantastic Melave Malka and presented him with a Hagadda.

As a prize for attending the program every week, each boy was presented with Volume two of Rabbi Levi Goldstein’s audio version of the Freirdiker Rebbe’s Memiors to compliment the prize given last year of volume one.
The grand raffle for seforim was held at the end of the evening and followed by benching and dancing.