Three years later, the loss is still palpable. On Daled Adar, a month our sages note is filled with simcha, nine year old Levi Yitzchak Wolowik returned his Soul to the Creator. His memory is most appropriately honored at the Levi Yitzchak Library and Family Center in Cedarhurst, an exuberant place where children and young adults can enjoy great Jewish books and other wholesome and fun activities.

3rd Yahrtzeit of Levi Yitzchak Wolowik OBM

Three years later, the loss is still palpable. On Daled Adar, a month our sages note is filled with simcha, nine year old Levi Yitzchak Wolowik returned his Soul to the Creator. His memory is most appropriately honored at the Levi Yitzchak Library and Family Center in Cedarhurst, an exuberant place where children and young adults can enjoy great Jewish books and other wholesome and fun activities.

Since its opening in November 2010, the library has attracted over 4,000 members and thousands of visitors. Now, it is time for us to give back to Levi in the only way we can: to do Mitzvos in the Zechus that his Neshamah should have an Aliyah.

Today, Sunday, February 26th, the library held a Mitzvah Marathon. Families were encouraged to come to the library to do mitzvos in honor of Levi. Various mitzvah opportunities were presented such as creating duct tape Tzedakah pouches, jewelry making for children in orphanages, packing Mishloach Manos for others, illustrating a story that will be distributed in a children’s hospital, writing appreciation cards, designing a tile for our “Wall of Happiness”, decorating door hangers for a parent’s bedroom door, and a creative Mitzvah Hunt.

The highlight of the day was a Mitzvah auction where children pledged Mitzvos/Hachlatas to do in Levi’s honor and were able to enter in to a special auction.

Mitzvos included:

Say a chapter of Tehillim every day.
Call a grandparent or elderly neighbor to wish a good Shabbos.
Learn the daily mitzvah in Rambam Sefer Hamitzvos.
Nikayon – I will make my bed every morning.
Daven with more concentration.
Say Brachos out loud so someone can answer Amen.
Put Tzedakah in the Charity Box every day.
Be extra nice to a classmate or neighbor.
Zrezus – do what has to get done with extra excitement.
Learn extra Torah.
Hakaros Hatov – make an extra effort to say thank you.

The Wolowik family encourages all children and adults do a special mitzvah in honor of Levi Yitzchak and email to let them know.

Monday, the library will be hosting 3 school trips and conclude in the evening with a shiur at 8:00PM by Rabbi Dov Ber Pinson, who will speak about “Reincarnation and Kabbalah.”

Visit the Levi Yitzchak Library, 564 Central Avenue in Cedarhurst. For more info, call 516-374-BOOK or visit Library Hours: Sun. 11 – 5, Tue. & Thurs. 11-7, Wed. 11-5:30

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