Mazal Tov's View More

Mayor Accused of Vendetta Against Yossel Gutnick

ABC News Australia

Artist’s impression of the phosphate plant proposed near Mount Isa.

A mining company owned by Joseph Gutnick has accused Mount Isa Mayor John Molony of standing in the way of a billion-dollar phosphate project in north-west Queensland, Australia.

Op-Ed: Healing When Bet Shemesh Hurts

Bet Shemesh, Israel

Following recent events in Bet Shemesh, Israel, asked staff writer Rivka Chaya Berman, a resident of Bet Shemesh, to share her experience of life in the community. When she is not busy writing for, Mrs. Berman, a registered nurse, helps people heal.

Jews Brave Zub-Zero Weather for Night of Insipration

Close on 150 attendees braved sub zero temperatures for an unprecedented evening of inspiration, Jewish pride and delicious kosher food at the beautiful new Jewish Learning Institute building under the auspices of Chabad of Winnipeg.

ULY Chinese Auction Winners Announced

United Lubavitcher Yeshiva PTA has released the names of all the lucky winners in its Chinese auction this past Motzei Shabbos and Sunday. The prizes range from $15,000 cash to a ‘Charm bracelet.’ The biggest winners, of course, are the students of ULY, who will benefit greatly physically and spiritually from the proceeds of this event. Is your name on the list?

Debkafile: Hizbullah Planned Mumbai-Style Attack on Chabad of Bangkok


Thai forensic experts carry packs of explosive chemicals believed to belong to a Lebanese suspect at a commercial building in Samut Sakhon province, a suburb of Bangkok.

The Thai police’s capture of a Lebanese-Swedish Hizballah suspect, who was charged Monday, Jan. 16, thwarted a terrorist attack on the Beit Chabad in Bangkok, involving the taking of hostages and blowing up the building. It was to have followed the same lines as al Qaeda’s 2008 assault on the Mumbai Chabad center which killed 8 Israelis and Jews – only more ambitious. The Bangkok Chabad is much larger: its hostel has rooms for dozens of lodgers. [Update: Chabad Taking threat seriously.]

‘Hilula’ of Three Tzadikim Celebrated in Crown Heights

Close to 250 men and women packed the JCM banquet hall this past Motzoei Shabbos to pay tribute to three great Tzadikim whose Yahrzeits fall out in close proximity this week: Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira (19 Tevet), the Rambam (20 Tevet) and the Alter Rebbe (24 Tevet).