Op-Ed: Defending Chabad from Unprovoked Smears

by Eli Federman

In an article published in the Jerusalem Post, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach goes on a tirade attacking the entire Chabad movement as anti-intellectualist due to one Rabbi’s criticism, and a few unflattering comments on this website, about his new book, kosher J. Eliyahu Federman responds with this open letter in defense of Chabad:

Dear Crown Heights, Rabbi Boteach and Rabbi Wolf,

I want to begin by unequivocally stating that I’m not qualified to comment on the legitimacy, or lack thereof, of Rabbi Boteach’s new book Kosher J. I’ll leave that to Rabbis and scholars with more knowledge than myself.

It’s surprising that Rabbi Boteach viewed Rabbi Wolf’s remarks as reflecting the Chabad movement’s position on this issue, especially considering that Rabbi Wolf himself admits that he is not speaking on behalf of the movement. He is speaking for himself as a “lone Wolf.”

Rabbi Boteach should not be painting Chabad with such a broad brush. What is more representative of closed-minded, prejudiced non-thinking? Someone who condemns an author of a book he has not read or someone who condemns a whole group of people based on the statement of one of its members?

It is unfair for Rabbi Boteach to call the entire Chabad movement a bunch of “knee-jerk reactionaries” and “anti-intellectuals” who “celebrate ignorance,” when the movement has not even responded to his book. It’s only one man, who admits he does not represent the movement.

Unless the Chabad movement formally excommunicates Rabbi Boteach or renounced his book, Rabbi Wolf’s comments carry no weight, and neither do the reams of lynch-mob-pitch-forked-clan-like comments. Rabbi Wolf is a Rabbi speaking for himself, not the Chabad movement (even though there are those in the community who strongly agree with his sentiment). Just like Boteach is one Rabbi with an opinion, albeit a counterintuitive and provocative opinion about J, so is the lone Wolf.

Lastly, given the premium I place on the First Amendment’s right to freedom of expression and the press, as well as Judaism’s rich culture of debate, I recoil at the notion of censoring any viewpoint, but at the same time I recognize that insular communities have a right to maintain their insularity.

Just my thoughts.

Kol Tuv,




  • Yanky S.

    Why must you insult your readers with this disjointed and pointless drivel, the sum of which amounts to “quit bickering and hold hands.” Without taking sides (or at least acknowledging the merits of either), the author effectively says, “my perspective is above the fray.” What a load of hot air. If you don’t have the capacity to debate the issue, please don’t open your mouth and waste our time.

  • no one special

    “What is more representative of closed-minded, prejudiced non-thinking? Someone who condemns an author of a book he has not read or someone who condemns a whole group of people based on the statement of one of its members?”

    Recognizing that your question projects your opinion, I recognize that we have reacted to this incident differently. In my view, both individuals have acted in error. Rabbi Wolf should not have stated his opinion “in public”. Despite your opinion, as stated here, a shliach is by definition a representative of the movement who gave him permission to use their name.
    Rabbi Boteach, right or wrong, erred by stating a “generality”, whether accurate or not.

  • Huh?

    Where is Chabad when it’s name is being slandered? It’s easy to say “I am not qualified” or “he is a lone Wolf”.

    Who represents Chabad? and if there is anyone that represents Chabad why have they not spoken out on this issue?

    Let’s stop hiding behind execuses. Put out an “official statement” and then there is truly one voice for Chabad.

  • I agree

    Good points. I found that very unfair and disingenuous of the Shmuely. He has been brutal on Jonathan Sacks. How did Shmuely thin k that Sack’s wife and children felt when he did that?

    I think Wolf should never have criticized Boteach because it just gives him more press.

  • HT

    the real question is re: Federman:

    מי שמו לאיש???

    who cares what he has to say?

    He’s a publicity hound with nothing constructive to add.

    go away.

  • yoeli

    what is this letter supposed to accomplish?

    true one cant be too shut off from the world. but if youre going to be open to the world it has to be through a kosher doorway.

    some people (like authors of heretical books) become so open minded their brains fall out.

  • do not judge a book by its cover

    i agree with this. I myself did not know he assumed ‘wolf’ was speaking on behalf of Chabad. I for one have not read the book and will do soon, i hope its good. Anyone has a right to write a book, its just the way it is and what ever happened to “do not judge a book by its cover”?

  • you can do better

    just because you can write doesnt mean you always have something to say. nothing personal, of course- just a thought to consider.

  • A little common sense

    Dear Eli and the rest of lubavitch, like you Eli I’m also not qualified to comment on his legitimacy and will leave it up to the rabbis and scholars with more knowledge then myself. However as a human with my own 2 cents I am obligated to look and think practically about rabbi shmuli and at the Rest of lubavitch. I would estimate that 75% of Lubavitchers (real black hatters) with out reading either of his books, kosher sex or kosher j, have jumped to a conclusion and decided that he’s not a real shliach and shouldn’t have the lubavitch title. This title get thrown out wildly by lubavitchers as if we have the authority to speak such words!
    It is evident in lubavitch tht since ג תמוז things haven’t been the same, fight after fight over everything the rebbe stands for. We all need to stand up and think for our self as how the rebbe wants us to behave. We are all shluchim of the rebbe and all Jews are shluchim of Hashem, we’re here to spread judaism, not fight!!
    Every Jew was given a specific talent the they can use to spread awareness. With rabbi boteach his talent was to make his way Into Hollywood and spread Judaism with in. He is not a shliach to spread Judaism to little mendy in ohole torah. So let’s not judge him and let’s spread the rebbes words in our own special way.

  • The Boteach problem

    Eli, the same argument can be made both ways:

    Just as Rabbi Wolf was a “lone wolf” in condemning Boteach, so was Shmuely Boteach in his JP article condemning Chabad. Boteach doesn’t represent world opinion.

    On a separate note, I do think that it would be proper for someone to pen a response to Boteach.

    First and foremost, religion is not, and never was based on intelect in any shape or form. Religion is belief, pure belief.

    We believe in Hashem, because we are Ma’aminim Bnei Ma’aminim, not because it “makes sense”, or because “how else did the world come about?”.

    Same is true for why we believe that what great Masters such as the Rambam have taught us are strictly divine, and why we believe that whatever the Tano’im and Amora’im of the Talmud have stated is “divrei Elokim Chaim”, and not that they were C“V average people inventing Halacha, or sharing their ”personal opinions”.

    There isn’t an iota of intelect involved. Period.

  • Good Point Eli

    It becomes even a better point when you put your name to the point that you are making. The only ones that really matter are the ones that will put their name to their words. All others are bordering on pashkville. It used to be expensive to write and print and then distribute a pashkville. Now every 10 year old with access to a computer can write one.

  • Read Book Before Making Up Mind

    Good point REF. But the attacks by Wolf and many of the comment-makers were scary. The comments showed that Lubavitchers can “hate” a fellow Jew (not his actions, but the person himself) as much as they “love” him. I can understand Shmuely Boteach panicking. The “wolf pack’s” fangs were sharp and dripping saliva.

  • ceo

    well, we see now how devoted is is (not) to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. And intellectualism is more important than the Rebbe. His own anger and emotionalism is exposing him more than he realizes….which is what happens when one is in an emotional state.

  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    “unequivocally stating that I’m not qualified to comment on the legitimacy or lack thereof of”

    so why are writing this!

  • Kosher Boteach

    We all knew Boteach’s membership at Chabad has expired. After reading hid tirade in the J Post it is clear that now he knows it too.

  • We Want Moshiach Now!

    B”H The Rebbe, N’si doreinu treaches us that we do not push away darkness with sticks or a broom. A little light dispels a multitude of darkness. Light enters, darkness disapears.
    Please do not continue to get yourself and your reading audience especially the young and impressionable who read your site to get muddied and filthy, as you continue to delve in depth in avoda zoro.
    Take seriously the responsibility and priviledge that you have been granted with this communication vehicle to illuminate with Torah truths and not the opposite chas v’sholom
    chof teves the yartzeit of the Rambam

  • A Lawyer not a Rabbi.

    Please correct: Eliyahu Federman is not a Rabbi. He is a lawyer and an honest and nice man.

  • cgi

    Chabad’s actions to “Let Rabbi Boteach go” many years ago, affords the movement the luxury of not having to comment at all on his books or actions.

  • Hocheach Tochiach.

    Eli you do not speak truth!!

    You claim “It is unfair for Rabbi Boteach to call the entire Chabad movement..”

    You use the word ENTIRE, and he never said that!

    Boteach said, “His assault betrays a growing tendency in Chabad..”

    Boteach said IN Chabad, meaning within Chabad..

    So please either learn to read correctly or not lie about others in order to smear them.

    If he were to speak about all chabad, he would have used the word “of” or “for”, instead of “in” chabad.
    Please do immediate teshuva on this!

    Quote in context: http://www.crownheights.inf

  • bitzalel

    the best way to deal with this idiot bataach [sp?] is to ignor him, fighting him will just give yenika

  • Rabbi Boteach has a point

    Rabbi Boteach has a good point. Sites like crownheights.info and COL Live do a good job filtering out dirty language, however (and in certain ways more harmful) they do a poor filtering out hateful comments.

  • confused?

    is this rabbi eliyahu federman in anyway related to the eli fedrman who works at 1saleaday.com as an executive? this rabbi’s writing style also seems to be quite similar to that of mr eliyahu federman the community activist of huffington post fame(???). his work resembles the writings of a lawyer. strange.

  • Lubavitcher

    Why are you surprised? He’s been subtly attacking the Rebbe & Chabad at every possible opportunity for years. Crownheights.info should pull up all the “articles” & Op-ed’s he’s written recently (say for a year, year-and-a-half) & re-read them. He never misses a chance.

    Now, of course, it’s open warfare because Rabbi Wolf & hundreds of anonymous Lubavitchers have gone for the jugular. Is it surprising either that we did so?

    This man is a thorn in our sides. His constant search for publicity and self-promotion is nauseating & as far as he’s concerned, nothing is off the table. Neither is any opportunity to attack Chabad for the insult his colossal ego was dealt when he was stripped of his Shlichus status.

    My hope is that not only this controversy dies a swift death but that Chabad & it’s Shluchim recognize the extent of the damage & sever all ties with this “entertainment Rabbi.” Because that’s truly all he is.

  • concerned parent

    Dear Eli,
    Thank you for your letter.
    One thing though. Not publishing something does not necessarily mean you are denying freedom of expression. A website does not have to publish every story in town, especially one where children visit. We have children that we want to protect from viewing certain things.
    Parents don’t want their children watching pornography. Does that mean they are denying their children the First Amendment? (This may not be a good comparison, but the best one I could think of for now.)

  • Talmud vs. Constitution

    Nice article… I just have one comment and perhaps a question … First Amendment Rights are part of the Constitution of the United States. I think there’s a mistake among many that the tenets of Judaism are somehow bound by the United States Constitution. It is an understandable error, since we are all products of the environment that we were born into, and those who study US history may lose sight of that and blur the lines between what is man-made and what is G-d-made. But I believe we should be looking to G-d’s laws in the Talmud for what is appropriate to say or not say in public and in the media and not to the writers/amendments of the Constitution. While the US Constitution is probably the best the world has to offer, it was not Divinely inspired (i.e., freedom of speech) nor has Judaism ever claimed to be a democracy. We have one G-d Who determines our conduct and behavior, not the majority vote of the masses. So do we or don’t we have a right to speak out when something is NOT kosher? I believe the issue with Iyov was that he stood by and said nothing when something needed to be said.

  • Al tivtach bo.

    Please IGNORE Boteach.

    Like any nuisance, from a bumble bee to a street preacher, Boteach will go away when no one gives him attention. His opinion, that tall scrawny singer Matt whatshisname’s opinion, and a barking dog’s opinion are all worth the same.

    He made a complete fool of himself in that Jpost article and showed himself for what he is. Let him keep ranting and raving in the wind.

    When no one answers him, he’ll stick to his Hollowwood stars, to whom he is NOT spreading anything REMOTELY resembling Judaism, and leave Jews and Judaism alone. He is competition only for the Bergs, not for Chabad, and we give him credibility by responding to anything he does.

  • We Love SB

    Shmuly is loved by Chabad like every Jew is loved by Chabad.
    just not his style we have to separate the act from the person as it says it Tanya Perek Lamed Bais. We despise your style that is BS not you SB.

  • Dear shmuly

    Dear shmuly

    You have truly mistaken chabad for modern orthodoxy; make no mistake about it when it comes to kphirah and protracting are kids from it, we are on par with satmar community, chabad is not called ultra orthodox for no reason, the previous lubavitcher rebbe writes about what chabad rabbis have done to shimon hakofer in the city of vilna, Lithuania.

    What chabad differs from other ultra orthodox sects is in their approach to ones fellow Jew, with a love that the rebbe thought us, and how not to judge a fellow Jew by his actions only by his neshuma.

    But if what is said about your book is true, or if chabad rabbi’s deem that the mere mention of the J word in a orthodox environment, is bad for the upbringing of our kids, then you should not be allowed to walk the streets of crown heights, and you and your family should be excommunicated from Chabad.
    The previous lubavitcher rebbe was not a story teller, every story every example he has thought us is for us to learn from, and implement in our day to day live, and he wrote to tell us that if somebody brings kphirah in to our community on to our websites in reach to our children, the chabad approach is that if this individual does not repent, he needs to have the same ending as shimon hakofer.

  • yossel


  • Attack Chabad, Attack Chabad

    Then run around Crown Heights in your zeidene zupitze, write in the newspapers that you are Chabad, use it as a shtempel and then when something ruffles your feathers, back to the old game plan=attack Chabad, attack Chabad.

    Then there are kids to marry off, back to Chabad, do your Chabad shtick, write in the paper how Chabad you really are, then kaboom! Wolf writes something against you on COL. Back to the game plan = attack Chabad, attack Chabad.

    Shmuley, I can’t really figure you out. Maybe it’s the narcissism, maybe in the hope of redeeming yourself you think by throwing Chabad under the bus and putting “us” on the defensive, you’ll be forcing us to welcome you back.

    Shmuley, get off your high horse, forget a second about the media and yourself, and what people say and think and write about you. There’s much more to life than a few more comments on the huffington post or the moment magazine. Sit down and write an article from your neshama, not from your ego-driven nefesh habahamis. Send it to COL and they’ll publish it, because guaranteed, lo yidach mimenu nidach. Let your neshama shine, and about everything else, “a’ah deloi salik bei nehoira mevatshin lei,” give yourself a little beating, shem zich up and appologise for your chilul hashem and chilul shem Lubavitch.

    Shmuley, it’s over. Another article, another magazine it aint doing you any good. Fuggedaboutit. You need to reconnect with Chabad in a real way, no photographs, no articles, no chabad 2.0, just as a Chassid. That’s the Shmuley we are looking for in Chabad. So are you ostracized? No, but you’re no more Chabad than Zalman Schechter-Shalomi. He also told my friend on Merkos Shlichus he’s Chabad. He was chazering likutei torah baal peh. He has a picture of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe in his office. But let’s be real. Is he Chabad?

  • Shliach

    Shmuly I know you for. years it’s all about the money to you that’s your rebbe that’s your g-d the minute you need to marrie off a child ow the kinnus
    Was so nice ow Lubavith is the bet you full of your self it’s time to do real tshuvh your a smart man don’t let it go to waste

  • Pathetic

    I think CrownHeights.info has done a great disservice by publishing this lie. The statement “It is unfair for Rabbi Boteach to call the entire Chabad movement a bunch of “knee-jerk reactionaries” …” is a blatant lie. Shmuley did not say the entire movement.

    Furthermore Rabbi Wolf’s words were, “I am no spokesman for Orthodox Jewry or for Chabad. In this instance IT IS CERTAINLY NO QUANTUM LEAP TO SPEAK IN THEIR NAME” Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is saying that in this instance he DOES speak in Chabad’s name. And when a shaliach speaks and no one contradicts him, everyone assumes that is the Chabad opinion. This skewed reporting and misstatement of facts by Crownheights.info is very immoral and sad.

  • To #45

    What your saying is untrue. Federman is being accurate. Shmuly said: “His assault betrays a growing tendency in Chabad toward uninformed criticism, anti-intellectualism and contempt for scholarship, contempt for Jews searching for a way back to Judaism, knee-jerk reaction, venomous personal attack, uninformed personal vendetta, and a celebration of ignorance.” Growing tendency implies what to you? Common be real. http://www.crownheights.inf

    And yes even the Wolf qualified his statements he still said very clearly he is NOT a representative of the movement.

  • Dear Eli

    Forget about publicity hungry and savvy authors, YOU owe a public apology RABBI Wolf, a well respected shliach and mechanech, Chicago has one of the best chinuch mosdos today, and you have the chutzpa to make fun of peoples names – “lone wolf”?? Rabbi Wolf has huge support.

    Oh, and while you’re at it you can also ask a talmid chochom who left Sydney recently, for mechila. But then only kovod was at stake, no one was koshering Avodah Zora.

    Sorry all you “open minded thinkers” Torah forbids us from studying about other religions, ChaBaD means using your intellect to serve Hashem, NOT deciding right from wrong based on your limited intellect. SB and his followers missed that point in chassidus class.

    And finally, not Ch“V asking you to read shmiras haloshon every month, but where in torah is ”freedom of speech” given any credence??

    P.s. I’m not from Chicago or related to Rabbi Wolf.

  • Are we part of a free for all?

    So bottom line, does Chabad have a spokesperson and a united voice?

    No one should complain about mushrooms when it’s each person speaks for themselves. “Lubavitch HeadQuarters” should make its views on the book, and on SB’s latest (attack) piece on Chabad, known or they lose much of their credibility.

    You cannot ignore an author of 20 books who claims to know alot about what your movement and religion represents and hope he goes away.

    After Chabad makes a statement on Beit Shemesh (what exactly is our connection to that?), the silence here becomes deafening.

  • Pathetic

    If I said there was a growing tendency of people in the US get their news from the internet, would that mean the ENTIRE US population get its news from the internet? Growing tendency could mean 5% or even 2% of the people. So what I say is most definitely true and this article has completely misstated what Shmuley said.

    And please show me anywhere that Rabbi Wolf is quoted as unequivocally saying he is not representative of the movement. What he said very much implies that he DOES speak for the movement, and I think a huge number of chabadniks understood his statements as such.

  • Pathetic

    It should be noted that Shmuley says clearly (Capitals my emphasis), “It remains to be seen whether the Chabad leadership in Chicago and Crown Heights will distance themselves from these EXTREMISTS. Because if Chabad – the most open, loving, devoted and tolerant of all Jewish religious groups – risks being corrupted by fanatics, then God help everyone else.”

    Shmuleys’s whole point was, “Because a battle is being waged for the soul of Judaism between a lunatic FRINGE who are slowly encroaching on the mainstream– as we have seen recently with religious men spitting on little girls in Beit Shemesh, Israel – and those who believe Judaism must always be informed, educated, open and loving. But the religious middle risks being cowed into submission by the crazies. And I love Judaism in general, and Chabad in particular, too much to ever allow ignorant hate-mongers to overrun it, which is why I have fought back against these hateful attacks”

    In other words there is a small group trying to impose their will on and influence all of Lubavitch, and Shmuley is trying to stop that from happening.

    I must say that it is truly disturbing how biased all these articles have been against Shmuley. It is so wrong because these websites influence people’s opinions, and when they spread lies to the public, it hurts everyone. When the book comes out and everyone sees it is completely against Christianity, Shmuley will be vindicated from all his shameless attackers.

  • It-s hilarious

    It’s hilarious how Boteach writes articles appropriately and then in the comments, he reverts to third person. Why doesn’t he just write “I wrote” instead of “Boteach wrote”… He is fooling himself more than anybody else.

  • Mr. Boteach-s love for mamzer

    Mr. Boteach speaks and writes so warmly and fondly about the Mamzer. Could it be than he is one of them?

  • Yaakov Mark

    Such a provocative issue with massive violations of Loshen Hora from Lubavitch Rabbis, and those commenting. You should remove this.