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Nelson Arrested Last Night

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Terrance Nelson, Crown Heightses most infamous car burglar, was arrested last night after an encounter with a group of Bochurim. Nelson was attacked and beaten after they accused him of breaking into a car, police later arrested him based on his history and the allegations.

Chabad of Arizona Completes New Sefer Torah!

Over 260 people gathered for a ceremony marking the completion and dedication of a brand new Sefer Torah at the regional headquarters of Chabad of Arizona. The new Torah was written in honor of Nazine Sarraf to have a complete recovery, and was donated by her husband Bob Sarraf. Rabbi Moshe Klein completed the writing.

Promo: Rebbe’s Parade Lag B’omer 5744

The uncut footage from the 1984 Lag BaOmer parade in Crown Heights is now available on DVD. It features military salutes to the Rebbe, bagpipes playing “Moshiach Now,” and tens of thousands of kinderlach reciting the 12 pesukim together. Topping it all – two beautiful Sichos that the Rebbe tailored specifically for his young audience.

PSA: Don’t be left standing!

Only $5 to reserve your seat and T-shirt

Reservations for this year’s parade are coming in fast, Boruch Hashem many more schools and Chabad houses will be joining the parade than ever before, so therefore unfortunately space is limited. Reservations will close on Sunday May 15th or earlier if we fill up. This is for schools reservations and the general public.

Hate Fests on College Campuses Challenge Jewish Students to Bolster Identity

While Israel celebrates Independence Day today, Jewish students at the University of California at Irvine will have a hard time ignoring the hatred and hostility towards the Jewish state and its Jewish citizens that poisons the air on their campus. UC Irvine’s annual Israel Apartheid Week, organized by the Muslim Students Union (MSU) is now in progress, making this an especially difficult time for the school’s estimated 1,000 Jewish students.

22nd Yohrtziet of Reb Yisroel HaLevi Duchman OBM

Today, Tuesday the 6th of Iyar marks the 22nd Yortzeit to the passing of Reb Yisroel HaLevi Duchman OBM. Reb Yisroel was known for his unique relationship with the Rebbe, and his special love and Ahavas Yisroel for every single Yid.

Airbags Becoming a Hot Commodity Among Thieves

A recent string of car break-ins in Brooklyn have not been your typical smash-and-grab jobs. Instead of stereos and other loose valuables, thieves have been snatching airbags right out of steering wheels. The damage is unmistakable. “Driving around without a horn in New York, it’s very difficult,” Crown Heights resident David Katz told CBS 2’s Derricke Dennis.