Laibl Wolf Inspires at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel

On Monday, about 60 men and women gathered at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel for an evening of growth and inspiration through a workshop titled “Stillness, Awareness and Growth” led by renowned Kabbalist and lecturer Rabbi Laibl Wolf.

Through an interactive presentation, R’ Wolf guided the audience through specific strategies to change our perspectives – and deal with anger and frustration in healthy and productive ways. His teachings drew from leading medical and psychological research, business management gurus, as well as many Chassidic sources.

“We live in such a fast paced world,” said Chezzi Denebeim, Rabbi at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel, “especially in New York, that we need to be reminded to take a moment each day for introspection. And Rabbi Wolf was the perfect person to take the Chassidus that we’ve been learning and make it relevant and useful in our every day lives.”

“We spend so much time on the theoretical” echoed Yudi Lewis a congregant at CAY, “that we end up immobilized. Rabbi Wolf gave us the tools to make an immediate change to more mature, responsible people. What we can do today and tomorrow, to be a better person.”

For Rabbi Wolf his message was simple: “My goal for this evening is for each person to recognize that we can train inner stillness, we can become more aware human beings, and learn to respond with far greater wisdom.”

“Each one of you should leave this room adopting a leadership posture,” R’ Wolf concluded. “To exemplify what makes us valuable as human beings and specifically as Yidden and Chassidim.”

Wolf lectures in over 65 cities a year, training people in the discipline of mind consciousness and emotional intelligence through positive psychology and Chassidus.