Historic Photos & Moments – Marking 60 Years

Yud Shevat (the tenth of the Hebrew month of Shevat) marks the anniversary of the passing of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. For Chassidim today, however, the primary significance of Yud Shevat is that it is the day on which the Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, accepted the reins of Chabad leadership 60 years ago.

In honor of 60 years CrownHeights.info and the Avner Institute would like to present a vividly powerful description of a memorable event that took place in 770 over 40 years ago: the completion of the “Sefer Torah to Greet Moshiach,” commissioned by the Previous Rebbe in 1942, and finally completed on the eve of Yud Shevat, which that year also happened to be Erev Shabbos. With special thanks to Rabbi Yossi Lew, Chabad emissary to Atlanta, Georgia, and Dean of the Atlanta Semicha Program.

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Loose Rat Crawls Up Sleeping Subway Rider’s Leg

NY Post

Eek! Here’s one subway ride that will make your skin crawl.

The nightmare of every subway rider was caught on video after a chubby sewer rat crawled up the leg of a sleeping straphanger on a No. 4 train in Brooklyn and came face-to-face with the man.

New Rabbi’s Inauguration Delayed

Zaki Tamir, Chairman of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council (CHJCC), said Thursday the third elected member of the neighborhood’s Bais Din (Badatz) Rabbi Yossi Braun will be inaugurated in the near future, even after a scheduling error and some opposition.

A Closer Look into the Ahavas Yisroel Shul

by Yonit Tanenbaum

Rabbi Chezzy Denenbeim making Havdalah at the Shul.

FEATURE ARTICLE: Did you hear? There’s a new shul in town. The elaborate rumor is that it’s operating out of a flower shop on Albany Avenue with young men and women singing Carlebach songs, participating in kiddushim…there’s even an instrumental havdallah. How radical, one might think. A traditional Lubavitch shul is often perceived as a place where men daven and chitchat while the chazan sings solely Lubavitch tunes and women are sectioned off to daven quietly among themselves. Do traditional shuls meet the needs of all Lubavitchers or is this new shul necessary? And what is really going on there?

Palin’s Comments Insensitive to Jewish History?

If Sarah Palin’s seven-minute video blaming the media was meant to tamp down the rhetoric in the aftermath of the assassination attempt against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, she may have added fuel to the fire by hitting a jarringly off-note:

Within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence that they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.

Shliach Delivers Invocation at Oath of Office Ceremony

Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, director of Chabad of Downtown Los Angeles, delivered the invocation at the ceremony where John R. Noguez took the oath of office as county assessor in the city of Los Angeles, CA.