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Kaua‘i Gets It’s First Torah Scroll

Garden Island

Richard Siegel stitches the final stitch of the orthodox kosher torah scroll, under the watchful eye of Rabbi Michoel Goldman, at Papa‘a Bay Ranch on Wednesday.

Kilauea, HI — A huge simcha (celebration) was held at Papa‘a Bay Ranch on Wednesday.

The celebration marked the arrival and blessing of the first orthodox torah scroll made in Israel specially for Chabad of Kaua‘i, members said.

Jewish School Opens New Campus in Azerbaijan

Jerusalem Post

BAKU, Azerbaijan — About 200 people, including Azerbaijani President Ilhem Aliyev, Israel’s Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar and businessman Lev Leviev, gathered in the capital of this moderate Muslim country just north of Iran on Monday for the inauguration of the new campus of a Jewish school.

Web Revolution: Tens of thousands of Pictures from ‘Sunday Dollars’

It was one of the most elevating scenes of those years. Every Sunday thousands of people from all sorts of backgrounds, origins and beliefs crowded at the front of 770 Eastern Parkway, Chabad World Headquarters, stood in line to receive a dollar. The Rebbe would stand there in front of his holy room for many hours, giving out dollar bills accompanied with blessings for success.

NYPD can’t Tolerate City Speeding Anymore

NY Daily News

The NYPD insists it does not have even unofficial ticket quotas, but of course it does. And it should.

What it should not do is waste cops on issuing summonses for double-parking and parking at bus stops. Let the parking violations agents do that.

A Beautiful Time in the Sukkah

The beauty of the holiday of Sukkot was enhanced even more this year by a very special gathering in the lovely Sukkah of Yaakov and Karen Cohen in Israel. The Cohens are among the original founders of Chabad Terror Victims Project (CTVP). They opened their Sukkah to a very special group of wounded Israel Defense Forces soldiers.