It was one of the most elevating scenes of those years. Every Sunday thousands of people from all sorts of backgrounds, origins and beliefs crowded at the front of 770 Eastern Parkway, Chabad World Headquarters, stood in line to receive a dollar. The Rebbe would stand there in front of his holy room for many hours, giving out dollar bills accompanied with blessings for success.

Web Revolution: Tens of thousands of Pictures from ‘Sunday Dollars’

It was one of the most elevating scenes of those years. Every Sunday thousands of people from all sorts of backgrounds, origins and beliefs crowded at the front of 770 Eastern Parkway, Chabad World Headquarters, stood in line to receive a dollar. The Rebbe would stand there in front of his holy room for many hours, giving out dollar bills accompanied with blessings for success.

Those Sundays were videoed and photographed by Rabbi Chaim Baruch Halberstam from the WLCC. Recently, those photos were acquired by JEM.
In the last few years, JEM has been working on a project called, “My Encounter with the Rebbe.” Many thousands of video clips and photos of people who came for the Sunday dollar distributions are being collected and arranged so people can identify themselves or their acquaintances and purchase those precious clips with the Rebbe.
The reactions of those who have found themselves in these pictures are exceptionally enthusiastic. Y.B. from Israel said, “The image of my father that I found through the site, was the best gift I could’ve given to him.”
In an effort that lasted for several years under the supervision of Mendel Gourarie and Shaya Gopin, 86,000 photographs have been scanned and converted to professionally prepared digital pictures, in addition to the 150,000+ stills from video which are posted on the site. The first phase of the project was posted on the new website just before Gimmel Tamuz this year and was donated by Mr. Nossi Dubrowski, from Florida for the purpose of helping people identify their picture. The website is updated weekly with new pictures.
One can locate the former Chief Rabbi of Israel’s Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau pictures with an easy and comfortable to use search system, as well as those of Rabbi Gabriel Holtzberg HY”D, R Mordechai Rubashkin and even that of the former mayor of New York, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, as well as tens of thousands of other.
“…People from the top echelons of many Jewish groups contact us regularly, sons of Poilishe Rebbe, Presidents of Jewish organization, and many lay people.” Rabbi Mendel Gourarie recounts.  “These pictures say a lot for people who until today were unaware of these video clips or their pictures with the Rebbe. I’m certain that the tens of thousands of people that met the Rebbe, their children and grandchildren, will be happy with the results.”
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  • moe

    95% of the pictures are of none lubaviters, it was before the digitl camera age you had to be more selective with limited film !

  • Sholom

    150,000 of them are video stills that are of every single person that went by and there are still many more dates that are not up yet.