Monsey’s massive Sukkah at the Tzemach Tzedek Shul collapsed after taking a serious beating during the storm on Shmini Atzeres, two people who were in the Sukkah at the time suffered light injuries.

“Sukkahs Monsey Hanoifeles”

Monsey’s massive Sukkah at the Tzemach Tzedek Shul collapsed after taking a serious beating during the storm on Shmini Atzeres, two people who were in the Sukkah at the time suffered light injuries.


  • Zalman

    Looks like a Sukkah from “Sukah center” leiters, or Sukka depot would be able to stand a storm.

  • Experienced Large Sukkah Owner

    NONE of the prefab sukkos are designed to be built in such a size and withstand any slightly significant wind!!!

    Had the sukkah been built properly with wood frames and and adequate wood beams on top (and diagonally at the corners) properly connected to the frame, it would have probably been standing until intentionally taken down.

  • Zelig Tabak

    As a resident I just have to stay Baruch Hashem we have a wonderful community. Baruch Hashem no one was seriously hurt.

  • CR

    A homemade sukkah of 1/2″ CDX plywood and 2 x 4s would have stood up to the wind.

  • check your facts

    to all those who posted negative comments about sukkah center feel free to apologize to them, and next time check your info b4 you write. Sukkah Centers Sukkahs hold up.

  • to number 9 comment.

    To number 9
    people think that by talking about a company’s short comings we are being mean.
    Thats a Sukka center Sukkah fact!!!!! did anyone say it’s thier faault NO.